I am getting an itchy credit card, that wants to buy another even brighter torch. The trouble is I have spent far too much recently, so have decided to see if I can get a budget HID torch.
I found this one on ebay (I hope it is OK to post an ebay link here) and wondered if anyone else has bought one and if it was OK?
I bought a 35W HID torch from a dealer in Melbourne, Australia last XMAS.
I have had endless problems with my one that looks very similar in construction to what you are looking at.
The problems were outlined in a CPF thread that I started below.
The problems were -
The beam is horrible to adjust and there is really no beam control that could be called usable.
I just get a poorly focussed spot or garbage at the flood end of the adjustment.
The batteries discharge really quickly when just sitting on the table fully charged or even quicker when they are installed in the torch.
This torch seems to have a parasitic drain on the batteries when inserted.
The dealer sent me another battery shortly after I had the battery problem but it too is just as bad.
I cannot rely on my torch to be ready when left more than a week even when I unscrew the tailcap so that the battery has no connection with the torch contacts.
I have a torch that is useless mainly because I cannot rely on it and the poor optics are another reason to hate my purchase.
I bought a Stanley HID 35W torch after I discovered the problems with my Teking 35W HID.
At least I can easily put another SLA (sealed lead acid) battery in the Stanley when it starts to no longer hold an acceptable charge.
It throws a lot better than the Teking torch but it has a pistol grip unlike the one you are thinking of buying.
I am happy with my Stanley HID.
Also the Titanium Innovations L35 or N30 were also on my shortlist.
I am not saying the
Newcomdigi brand torch that you have found on Ebay is as bad as mine but do some research and note that I have been stung for around 200 Australian Dollars.
I can't even sell it to anybody in good conscience.
As people have said in my Teking 35W HID torch thread, this style of torch is a very hit and miss affair.