Has anyone wired one of thses?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 19, 2008
Hi all... I bought this circuit board from DX (SKU 07612 17 mode chip) and can't seem to get the thing to work. This is my first time trying to mod a light...
I soldered the + pad to the + LED pad, then soldered terminal 2 (see my picture) to the - LED pad, result... slow blinking light that won't change modes, desoldered the - lead and tried pad 1 to the neg LED pad with the same result.
Then left pad 1 soldered up to the LED and tried getting a better ground by soldering pad 3 to the side of the pill, same result... slow blinker, won't change modes. I give up before I burn the thing up.

Any help from you guru's would be much appreciated :grin2: .


Unless you are stuck in a strobe mode, then the board may be bad. I use one like that from KD , the one in your picture not the one on DX and you are wiring it right. LED Neg hook ups is # 2. I have never had that trouble but you are hooking it up right.

I was afraid of that.
That's what I get for ordering only one i guess, that board took over a month to get here from DX.

Thanks for the reply Nailbender :thumbsup:.
I was afraid of that.
That's what I get for ordering only one i guess, that board took over a month to get here from DX.

Thanks for the reply Nailbender :thumbsup:.

It probably would not be much quicker but KD also has them and lately I have been getting better shipping out of them.
