Hat's off to the Royal Family


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
No matter what we Yanks think of the Monarchy, the developing story regarding Prince Harry indicates they have it together. A real class act.

I'm most disappointed an American media source broke the story.
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C'mon BIGIRON!! We have very important stuff to worry over here in the states like Britney, Lindsey, evey sneeze made by anyone in a primary, and Michael Jackson being late on his house payments.

To suggest we concern ourselves with any real news of anyone outside of the US is pure crazy talk.
Give Harry some points for not being a wuss. He didn't ask for special treatment and is doing his duty. He does get a break though because he was outed before his tour was up.
Actually, I think his comrades get the break by him not being around to draw extraordianry attention.
Noone had to call the media because they were already with them all the time. They were supposed to hold the material back until the Prince returned from his duty.

I guess the only stupidity was to trust all the involved media would actually do so.

I agree with bigiron... class act!

Will let me say this about the news media... no can't say that... wait how about... no can't say that.

Don't trust them, ever! That works, not personal, profane, criminal or derogatory, but it could be.:naughty:
Noone had to call the media because they were already with them all the time. They were supposed to hold the material back until the Prince returned from his duty.

I guess the only stupidity was to trust all the involved media would actually do so.


The ones leaked it wasn't the ones with him. It was austrilian/german/american who did.