Have you bought a light that makes you want to sell other lights?


Jan 2, 2010
Bloomington, IN
I know that most of us "flashoholics" have some sort of desire to accumulate flashlights and check out the latest/greatest/newest flashlight. I have read several posts, and I have certainly been guilty as well, of people on here buying a new light soon after receiving one.

Understanding our collective obsessive nature with flashlights, has there been a light that you have bought or received that made you WANT to SELL other lights because of it's usefulness, awesomeness or ability to make other lights in your collection obsolete in some way?

If so, what was it?
I probably won't be selling my other lights, but the LiteFlux UI has spoiled me. I've still bought other lights, but not many. The ability to program exactly what sequence and level you want is very compelling.

yes. I am putting a list together of lights that I just don't use anymore. I like to have many lights but at some point some of them just become shelf queens. When I have too may that just sit on the shelf, it is time to lighten the load. What causes them to sit on the shelf? It may be my personal tint preference (I got a new light and like the tint better than the old), a new light with a UI I like better, etc.
Of course I have experienced that feeling of wanting to sell away all my other lights. Ever since I came in contact with HDS clickies nothing seems to match up to HDS, or almost nothing. If not for the fact that most in my collection are Surefires I would have sold them away most likely. Think about it now, I do feel a need to let go some of my Nitecore, Fenix, Quark and Jetbeam.
D10... when I first got one I no longer felt the need for anything else. I went over a year without even visiting this forum!
McGizmo Haiku xre. This light for me has perfectly spaced output levels, simple ui, nice body size, superb beam shape and an excellent clickie. It's all I need.
I usually try never to keep a light more than 3-6 months. I use the Marketplace forum to help fund my new led purchase...and someone gets a good deal on a 3 month..or often 3 week old light. Lights are like cell phones....you use them for a while...until a better one comes out.
Lumapower TRUST-1 makes me want to sell my Fenix LD10+. To me, it's simply better in every regard - beam profile, battery support, UI, clip, switch, serviceability, aesthetics, etc.
Will NEVER be able to own one, but if I did, I could sell ALL my other lights and just have this one

Spy Tri-V


Absolutely Drool worthy to the extreme!
I probably won't be selling my other lights, but the LiteFlux UI has spoiled me. I've still bought other lights, but not many. The ability to program exactly what sequence and level you want is very compelling.


Of course I have experienced that feeling of wanting to sell away all my other lights. Ever since I came in contact with HDS clickies nothing seems to match up to HDS, or almost nothing. If not for the fact that most in my collection are Surefires I would have sold them away most likely. Think about it now, I do feel a need to let go some of my Nitecore, Fenix, Quark and Jetbeam.

McGizmo Haiku xre. This light for me has perfectly spaced output levels, simple ui, nice body size, superb beam shape and an excellent clickie. It's all I need.

The LF2XT, RA Clicky and McGizmo Haiku are my three most wanted lights and I may have to sell other lights FIRST to get one. I wish I could find an LF2XT.

D10... when I first got one I no longer felt the need for anything else. I went over a year without even visiting this forum!
Receiving this light from a very good seller in the markeplace :sssh: made me think of this thread. I can't stop playing with my new D10 Tribute. It is so much fun and useful. Once I get a trit in there, some of my other lights may end up in the marketplace.

Lumapower TRUST-1 makes me want to sell my Fenix LD10+. To me, it's simply better in every regard - beam profile, battery support, UI, clip, switch, serviceability, aesthetics, etc.
I have been following the release of this light and it seems like a winner.
I have acquired lights that have made me get rid of shelf queens and multiples of the same light.
I really liked my SF M1 Milky, so much so that I only carried it twice when I first got it. Then it slept on the shelf.

I thought it would be fun to have a shelf queen but then I thought; if I have no problem using my ridiculously expensive (to me at least) titanium light, I should be using all my lights.

I sold it to fund a new light build.
HDS EDC (Ra Clicky) High CRI.

This light has put all of my other LED lights and lower power incands on notice. Its getting harder and harder to justify keeping some of the others around.
The HDS lights have done this for me. The only other lights I use other than these are the Zebralights H501/H501w, the Surefire LX2/E2DL and the Quark AA. I guess each light fills a niche utility wise for me so I would say it is a combination of these lights mentioned here rather than a single light that have stopped me looking around for others - at least until the manufacturers of the above come out with updates!
Not exactly but i've sold lights to buy others.

actually, the 4sevens Quark AA2 Tactical made me give up on 123 source lights. AAs are easier to find, less expensive and do what i need just fine.
