HDS company stopped working ?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 12, 2021
hello everyone

i have posted on August about my order that has not been finished and delayed for months, HDS also did not respond to my emails till i wrote that thread telling me that they have some delays

now after few months i have also contacted HDS but again no answers. if anyone here from HDS please let me know.
your recommendations and comments are important too guys , should i just cancel my order ?

best regards
Called in the other day and all is well enough, Henry said he's behind and plans to respond to emails very soon. They are having supply line issues like most business this year, but also a machinist for the reflectors keeps messing up by not following the plans properly. Hopefully the newest batch fixes this issue. It could be a few more months even, maybe more. If you cancel, you'll probably wish you didn't when everyone is playing with their cool new lights before too long though.
I went through PayPal to cancel my order.
I suggest you do the same should you decide to cancel your order.
For me the decision to cancel was risk based.
I didn't want to be out $349 and my buyer's protection was on its last day.
I don't question Henry's intentions to deliver a product.
The reality of life is that one day Henry will not come through due to circumstances beyond his control.
Due to paying at the time the order is placed, some folks will be out $$ when that time comes.

A better setup for customers would be to charge when the flashlight ships....
Everyone has the right to order, to cancel or to pass on HDS altogether, but I'd like to share my perspective. Given his passion for his self named flashlight, Henry would have to be dead or incapacitated before he'd fail to deliver. Death takes us all, but I suspect Henry is fighting fit. These delays happen periodically with HDS because Henry is at great pains to source parts domestically. He also does not compromise on specs. He is undoubtedly aware that he could increase production and generate more revenue by lowering these standards, but he has no interest in that. This delay will pass. Production will return to normal.

Could Henry help his case by responding to emails? HELL YES. Back in 2018, I waited miserably for an email response, only to discover that Henry's laptop was broken or missing. Pitiful excuse, I thought. Don't we all access email from our phones? But the email came. The flashlight arrived and has been in my pocket ever since.
HDS is a solid person and Company. When in doubt, I would order more lights now than you originally ordered so that if a delay happens again at least you will have several lights in house. I think I have six HDS lights in house right now and always keeping an eye on his new LED offerings.
There is an HDS for sale in the Marketplace for a good price🤓😅

I can assure you that the seller is honorable, a good communicator and quick to ship😎
I haven't logged on here since the end of October. I've been out with Covid and the rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated. Won't be at HDS tomorrow either until I finish coughing up my lungs. I haven't had a cigar in a week... something about blowing smoke you can't smell or taste. What a waste of the last cigar I had.
Henry is swamped with a myriad of crap. I just got done coughing at him over the phone. Still waiting on the (insert explicative) reflectors that now need "tweaking" by the machine shop until they are acceptable. 5th times a charm. Once they are done they will still need to be vapor metalized. Hit another snag with some switches as all vendors but one in Europe were out, then the bank thought it was a fraudulent charge but didn't bother to let us know for a week... got that sorted and they were delivered while Henry was gone... but now they are in hand. I believe the 18650 tubes, or at least some of them were delivered as well.
Still going to be a few months before all this crap is sorted out.
If you want to cancel your orders, then feel free to do so.
I probably won't be logging on here for another week at least.
I would rank covid a solid 2/10. Food poisoning a good 6/10, and bones protruding from one's body 9.5/10. Marriage makes a perfect 10/10. It's all what you compare it to. I've been more miserable.
Glade you are surviving. You have been missed around here. HDS will live on that is a good thing. I have played with other lights but they just do not "do" what I expect or want ... I have been spoiled with HDS core values and build philosophy.

Thanks for the up date and Godspeed to recovery. For all involved..............
Glad to hear something "official". For me it was clear, that everything will be fine sooner or if it goes the HDS way later ... :p
Some years ago there were some "issues" at HDS (if I believe correctly Henry was changing the machinist or so) there were no lights shipped for more than a year.
But everyone who paid got a light after everything went back to normal. Therefore there is no fear at all to pay and get nothing.

I know when I order a HDS it is always like ordering the very first one, and I can not wait. But actually I must be brave and try not cry ;) At the end I will like my two lights that are still in "processing" and also the Rotary 18350 and 18500 tubes.

@ hogo get well soon an take your time!

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