HDS Systems EDC # 16

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Mar 28, 2009
A few months back I had commented that the reflector on my Acme Rotary didn't sit low enough to get a great beam and that the problems people had been having with ring beam patterns was a direct result of that.
It has been noted that the reflector has been redesigned, I don't know what has been changed so I can't really comment on that except that it sounds like Henry has dealt with the problem.
I'm not OCD about beam patterns but I like to tinker and this seemed like a fun project.
I had switched my Rotary over to a Nichia 219 but still felt that I could get a better beam out of it if the emitter extended up in to the reflector a little higher.
The easiest way to do this would be with a precision 3-jaw chuck on a lathe and remove some stock from the side of the stop on the reflector that faces the emitter. This would allow it to screw in a tiny bit more and fix the focus issue. The 3-jaw where I work walked off a long time ago so I had to raise the emitter from the other direction.
Removed the board again and made a .025" copy of it from copper sheet allowing plenty of clearance around the (+) and (-) posts to avoid shorts.
Slathered it up with thermal paste on both sides and reinstalled the board. The posts still came up high enough to solder properly and the back of the reflector didn't make contact with the solder points. I did need to file a bit off the top of the mounting screws to get the reflector down all the way.
.020" copper probably would've been sufficient but I didn't have any.
The emitter doesn't feel like it gets any hotter than before, the large board and good physical connection draws off the heat well. The head heats up just like before running it at 100% for a little while.
This method is time-consuming whereas removing stock from the reflector stop would take about 1 minute of actual work with a lathe.

I'm not posting this as an advertisement of services, (I get nervous with other folk's expensive lights!), but for informational purposes. I'm sure there are plenty of modders in here with access to a nice lathe who could do the work easily, - .020" off the back of the stop would probably do the job. You may still need to remove a few thousandths off the top of the screws. If someone already has it chucked up it would be a simple matter to go ahead and remove an equal amount of material from the back of the reflector for clearance of the screws and connections except for a small ring around the opening in the center.

If anyone has one of the newer reflectors and access to a depth micrometer or calipers with a depth gauge on the end I'd be curious to know what the distance from the back of the reflector to the backside of the stop is. Mine is .238".

The results of this mod are not Earth shattering, and I'm sure there will be those who argue that it's not worth messing with such an expensive light or that the copper shim will make the emitter run too hot. I just do this for fun. Ideally the back side of the reflectors will resemble the old ones with a raised section around the emitter hole to extend it down around the emitter while leaving clearance for the connections and screws.

Here are some beamshots comparing stock and modified. The phone-cam captured the ringy effect OK, (looks worse in person), but distorted the tints. The hotspot is tighter, the dark zone towards the outside of the spill is gone, and the bright ring at the outside of the beam is gone. Non-modded is stock emitter.



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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 3, 2008
It has been noted that the reflector has been redesigned, I don't know what has been changed so I can't really comment on that except that it sounds like Henry has dealt with the problem.
The hole at the bottom of the reflector cup has been enlarged slightly. You can find some comparison pictures in the following post:


Notice how much more evenly the light is distributed in the second photo, allowing for the fact that the picture was taken slightly off-center. The new reflectors put out a beam that looks very similar to your modified light.
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Mar 28, 2009
Looks like mine is the smaller opening reflector.


For the average person a flashlight is like a hammer, merely a tool you pick up when you need it. If it works for the job, that's all that matters.
We must drive Henry nuts. I'm sure he sees posts like mine and thinks "OMG what are you doing to my wonderful creation!?!?"
I've tried every brand within my financial reach and always come back to HDS.
I've got some real nice lights that sit like wallflowers at a dance, untouched and lonely in the drawer.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 3, 2008
I get the sense that Henry is more in line with the "tool" philosophy. When someone once complained about their flashlight having some dust on the reflector, Henry asked him to point the light at a wall and turn it on. "Do you still see the dust?" "No." "Then what's the problem?"

When he comes across modifications like yours, I think his reaction is less, "What are you doing!" and more "Why are you doing it?"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 1, 2010
Due to my 170T expiring from natural causes I now have a Rotary on order with an rough estimate of eight weeks for delivery. I wasn't sure which way to go, clicky or rotary, but I decided to try the rotary just because it's the latest UI. I'm a little apprehensive about it, less throw from the emitter, lack of a pocket clip, and lower low runtimes. Guess I'll see in two month how it compares to the GDP Legacy.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 3, 2008
Thats easy, the beam pattern is now gorgeous.
Theyve always been great on HDS lights in the past and I couldn't let this Rotary be the exception.
No, I understand that. I was just saying that I can't imagine Henry looking with horror at a light modified to smooth out the beam, but perhaps more with puzzlement because he seems to take a more utilitarian view to his creations (the dust on the reflector anecdote).
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
What's the latest on when these will be available again? I have a Nichia 219 waiting patiently for a 120 clicky.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 1, 2009
Due to my 170T expiring from natural causes I now have a Rotary on order with an rough estimate of eight weeks for delivery. I wasn't sure which way to go, clicky or rotary, but I decided to try the rotary just because it's the latest UI. I'm a little apprehensive about it, less throw from the emitter, lack of a pocket clip, and lower low runtimes. Guess I'll see in two month how it compares to the GDP Legacy.

Don't get too hung up on the 8 week thing. I think I am in week 36 of my 8 week wait.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 18, 2011
I get the sense that Henry is more in line with the "tool" philosophy. When someone once complained about their flashlight having some dust on the reflector, Henry asked him to point the light at a wall and turn it on. "Do you still see the dust?" "No." "Then what's the problem?"

When he comes across modifications like yours, I think his reaction is less, "What are you doing!" and more "Why are you doing it?"


This forum Really helped me in the time of waiting for my HDS, now i just "really like leds and flashlights". :)
Honestly I agree with the above assessment and philosophy. The man makes a damn good hammer.
There is an Armytek, a ZL 502c, a McGizmo creation and a saabluster creation in my future, but the HDS Pretty Much took care of my lighting needs, the $ and waiting pain is a distant memory, satisfaction is steady and renewed nightly
... now I'd i could just convince him to make locator flash a setting that can be turned on and off with programming disabled (five clicks from off?), and to make the locator beacon exempt from the ten minute shut off setting...
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Mar 10, 2011
I get the sense that Henry is more in line with the "tool" philosophy. When someone once complained about their flashlight having some dust on the reflector, Henry asked him to point the light at a wall and turn it on. "Do you still see the dust?" "No." "Then what's the problem?"

When he comes across modifications like yours, I think his reaction is less, "What are you doing!" and more "Why are you doing it?"

Yea, from my interactions with Henry he is a complete no non-nonsense engineer type of guy.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 16, 2005
Montréal, Canada
I get the sense that Henry is more in line with the "tool" philosophy. When someone once complained about their flashlight having some dust on the reflector, Henry asked him to point the light at a wall and turn it on. "Do you still see the dust?" "No." "Then what's the problem?"
A car is a tool, but if you buy a brand new car, would you accept to receive it with scratches, bumps, muddy windshileds, etc.? -- altough you expect to get them one day.

Furthermore if you buy an HDS as a gift (I have done so), do you think it is normal to offer it with a dusty reflector or scratches? I guess no.

And if you follow the "tool philosophy", why would you purchase a tool with ultra-clear lense plus advanced electronics, but a dusty reflector??
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 1, 2010
Is that for a Rotary or HCRI model (known to be backlogged), or a Clicky with standard emitter?


When I asked HDS if there was a shorter delay if choosing the clicky as opposed to the rotary i was told it didn't matter, roughly eight weeks regardless.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 1, 2010
Yes the wait is a bummer and I'm not too optimistic about the 8 weeks delivery. I'll be happy if I get it before 2013. I'll be really happy if a more efficient emitter (xpg2) is made available prior to my light being shipped. I can see my light being delivered and the next day HDS web site being updated with the 240 lumen or better :shakehead.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 6, 2012
KC Metro
I'm in no hurry for mine. I have no problem carrying an MD2 while I wait.

I'd really like an HCRI with closer to 200 lumens. A couple nights ago, I tried illuminating an animal crossing the road at about 25 yards with my M61 219. It was not adequate.

Maybe by the time it exists, the wait won't be the better part of a year.

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