HDS Systems EDC #22

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2008
I absolutely love my new High Noon rotary, and I normally EDC a Mcgizmo Haiku with Nichia 119v. (nearly identical tint to SW45) So yes, I get what you are saying!


Jan 18, 2018
Though I feel like a traitor for admitting it, my romance with the sw45 emitter may be cooling off. As much as I love the superb color rendition, the beam tint looks odd in the presence of any other light source at all. It's taken me nearly a year of daily use to be convinced. My cooler beam tints (5000K and 5700K) are getting more and more use. Anyone else agree?

I agree. The 5000k 3 o'clock high is my favorite tint, followed closely by the 325NLT. I do still like the sw45, but it isn't my favorite.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2012
Bottom Of Pikes Peak
I am still holding my ground with 4000k in either 219b r9050 or sw40.
I do like the sw45 as well as the 3 o'clock but have never liked them more than 4000k. I will also say that the 3 o'clock is the ugliest when crossing beams...IIRC it turns green. I feel that my 219b r9050 does the best when crossing beams but that may just be favoritism, IDK.

depending on the task, they are all great but my go to lights are still 4000k 219b r9050/r9080


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2004
In the Sticks
Though I feel like a traitor for admitting it, my romance with the sw45 emitter may be cooling off. As much as I love the superb color rendition, the beam tint looks odd in the presence of any other light source at all. It's taken me nearly a year of daily use to be convinced. My cooler beam tints (5000K and 5700K) are getting more and more use. Anyone else agree?

Same! Didn't take a year for me to know which is best but the tuition for the course was quite costly. Either I like straight away or not.
Warmest I have now is the 325nlt but the two are of different specs meaning the they both aren't the same though same led
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Tint, like food, is very subjective. High Noon and NLT are great for me... but even with those, don't cross the beams. It's like putting a scoop of ice cream on a steak. I've made the mistake of crossing the beams on many lights, and then selling the one that looked "bad" when doing so, when on it's own, it was quite a good light/tint. With the right lights, I think one could go full circle. Cross 2 beams, pick the best, then pick up a third and cross the beams with the one you thought was best and find out the new one is better. Do it a few times then compare the last light to the first and bam! You are back to that one seeming the best. I don't know. It's good to have choices though. For me, anything 4k and under is a "specialty" light like the Hyper Red, Hunter Green, UV, or Forensic Blue... Fireside 4k or Candle 3k I guess... but then, that is just me.

I often get people email or PM and ask me what they should get, and really, all I can say is what I like and why. It really is a matter of personal taste.

Oh, and on the food... I was raised in Minisoda, lived a decade in Japan, and absolutely will not eat any critter with less than 2 legs or more than 4... including seaweed and I've tried it all (generally washing it down with copious amounts of Kirin Lager, some of it while it was still wriggling).


Oct 26, 2012
Though I feel like a traitor for admitting it, my romance with the sw45 emitter may be cooling off. As much as I love the superb color rendition, the beam tint looks odd in the presence of any other light source at all. It's taken me nearly a year of daily use to be convinced. My cooler beam tints (5000K and 5700K) are getting more and more use. Anyone else agree?

I agree! The sw45 rose queen has never been a favorite of mine, eventhough it does have nice color rendition at night when on its own.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2012
Bottom Of Pikes Peak
yeah, crossing beams is no good as well as critters still wriggling...hell no! I'll leave that to my Asian family/relatives. I can do some sushi, but it better be dead


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2010
Near the Big Apple
Comparing the 3 that I have/had... the sw45 has the nicest beam but when used with another light source I do notice the pink. The NLT does have a more funky beam but the range and longer runtime (@200 vs the 200 of my sw45) keep it as my main light, my favorite part is when used with the surefire fo4 diffuser, the beam blends beautifully.
I used to have the 3 O'clock but I noticed a bit of green in it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2012
Stamford, CT
Though I feel like a traitor for admitting it, my romance with the sw45 emitter may be cooling off. As much as I love the superb color rendition, the beam tint looks odd in the presence of any other light source at all. It's taken me nearly a year of daily use to be convinced. My cooler beam tints (5000K and 5700K) are getting more and more use. Anyone else agree?

Me too. I owned the sw45 for about two months. Initially, I thought it popped colors the best of all LED emitters I have tried. After a while though I started to notice the red/rosy artifact tint that added no value for me. Moved from that to the High Noon that provides the same CRI will much less artifacts in the light beam when used above 130 lumens. For me, while the sw45 is an excellent high CRI choice, it does not compare to the High Noon.

Favorite all around: High Noon - Nichia 219c, 5700K, R9050
Favorite outside: NLT - Nichia 219C, 5000K,
Favorite indoor: Nichia 219b, 4000K, R9050
Favorite UV: HDS 365nm
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Jan 5, 2017
Upstate NY
Hogo is spot on...I crossed my 3 O'Clock beam with the 219b 4k and the High Noon and had to stick some Lee minus-green film on the 3 O'Clock because then I couldn't un-see the green cast. Before making this mistake, I was perfectly happy with it...

As far as the SW45 goes...just when I think I don't like it and it's overly pinkish- purple tint off the white wall or whitish objects, I become impressed again when the beam falls onto colorful objects and I notice how vibrant it renders them so I'm still good with it so it still gets used.

I'm just grateful to be able to have choices! High Noon for daylight work, 35k on the nightstand for 3 AM bathroom runs, SW45 when I'm trying to find something in my dimly lit basement or crummy un-lit garage.
I relegated the filtered 3 O'Clock to a 2-AA tube w/lithium AA and store it in inside a Thors Hammer storage case which stays in my travel bag. I Never leave home without it...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2014
Georgia, USA
Choice is a good thing. I'm glad we have choices and that folks can have what works best for them. Personally, while I don't want ALL of my HDS flashlights to be sw45k, I'm definitely still using and enjoying mine very often. Love it...most of the time. In the dark especially, I think it's just about perfect. The only time I even notice the pink is when I'm using it in daylight, like if I'm looking for something dropped under my car seat during the day when the sun is shining into the car as well.

In contrast, greenish emitters bug me non-stop, day and night. Sure, ideally, we'd have an emitter that's 100 CRI, dead-center on the BBL at every point along the output curve, and binned so tightly that there's no "tint lottery" to speak of. But we don't. So I still choose to risk pinkish over greenish or yellowish most of the time. Works for me.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
I use my SW45 as my all purpose light, day and night. I'm so glad I discovered this emitter, it is the most neutral emitter that I have used, plus it doesn't make me grit my teeth like a cooler emitter does. Even my Dentist has noticed the difference.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
This is what crossing the beams does to good lights...
White balance set at...


Sep 16, 2014
HAHA! Man, none of these lights look good anymore... Hogo is gonna have to come up with a whole new group of special emitters so we can all start a whole new collection of lights. :D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
Guess I can identify this LEDs :D

From left to right:
Since the beam is a little bit red / rosy, it is the NB45
The next one is the 6200K XP-G
The third one is a spare LED from a Surefire light therefore the slightly greenish tint
The light on the right needs an emitter swap. The LED does not work well at all....


Sorry I had my clown to breakfast.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
Favorite outside: NLT - Nichia 219C, 5000K

glad you are enjoying your lights and LED options

fwiw, the NLT is not 219c and is not High CRI (you described the led of the 3'0Clock High in HDS parlance)

The NLT is XP-G3 w similar Low CRI as the XP-G2 250, and XP-L 325


The neutral white output is around 5000°K, making it somewhat warmer than sunlight at noon. This LED has a color rendering index (CRI) of around 71. Emitter: Cree XP-G3.
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