Hello from another UK Newbie...


Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2009
UK, Surrey, Near a Tree
Greetings from the UK.
Just thought I'd post here to Introduce myself and tell you a bit about my Flashlight Past....

I am a Senior member over on British Blades (as Potatohead) and I have been lurking CPF for longer than i'd care to admit, but I figured it was a bout time to jump into the warm & friendly waters of this Forum.

I use Flashlights a lot a work, in the woods and out on my pushbike etc and have followed the evolution of Personal Lighting Tools with great interest since I got the bug with My first Surefire Z3 all those years ago.

My Flashlight history:

Up until purging the last of them ealier in the year, my path over the years to find my purfect EDC flashlights went roughly as follows:

2 x Maglite 6D
5 x Mini Maglite AA
3 x Mag Solitaire
1 x Surefire Z3 - Pre-Pyrex Window
1 x Gerber Infinity Ultra LED
1 x Maglie 6D LED Mod
2 x Mini Maglite AA LED Mod
1 x Surefire 6P Standard
1 x Fliklite - Couldn't get on with this one me...
1 x Surefire 6P + Luxeon Star LED Drop-In
1 x ElektroLumens XM-3
1 x LongBow Micra LED flashlight
1 x Brinkmann Maxfire LX
1 x HDS Systems "EDC Ultimate 60 XR"
1 x Arc AAA Premium
1 x AmiLite Neo T3
1 x BriteStuff Vari-Brite 52L
1 x Aunoc AAAA - Big Mistake - Could I get batteries for it !!??
1 x Likki Lite 5 Watt LED SL-13 - What was I thinking!!
1 x Vortex KC1 1 Watt Luxeon Star LED
1 x JETBeam JET-I
1 x SureFire E1 executive - original Incan.
1 x Surefire L5 Lumamax - Kl5 Head - My first Proper LED Flashy
1 x Ultrafire WF-500
1 x Night-ops Gladius - Way over my budget & never took it out!!
1 x Innova Bolt thingy
1 x Surefire L4 Lumamax - KL4 Head
2 x Tiablo A8 Cree Q5WC - Awesome throw!
2 x JIL 1.3w Up regulated CR2 mini light
1 x Orb Raw
1 x Novatac EDC 120 P
1 x Novatac EDC 120 T
2 x NITECORE Defender Infinity
1 x Petzl Tikka XP
2 x Fenix L0D Premium Q4
2 x Fenix L2T V2.0 Rebel
2 x Fenix L2D Cree
2 x Fenix L1P Q5
2 x Fenix L2D Q5
1 x Fenix TK10
1 x Fenix TK11 (sold TK10 to get this one)
1 x Surefire 6P with BUGOUT Gear Super Premium Q5 LED Drop in
1 x Nitecore EX10
1 x Nitecore D10 Q5
1 x Zebralight H50

My general EDC now consists soley of 2 x Nitecore D10 R2's and a Zebralight H501. As i can generally only afford to keep what i'm using these days.

Just recently I had a Fenix TK11 R2 as my main light, which I moved on over at BB as I now seem to have the bug again (albeit under tight control ;) ) as, after reading the reviews on CPF, I have just purchased 2 x Malkoff M60 drop-ins, for which I will be buying 2 x SF P60's as hosts very shortly.

I'm looking forward to getting involved & having fun.


phUK. :D
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Hello potatoheadUK :welcome:

1 x Fliklite - Awful!!

How very dare you ! Ther's nothing wrong with Robs first light! That light is protable LED history.

Throw it my way if you want to be rid of it!

Talk soon.
Hi, Thanks essexman

Blimey, some familar.....er ....faces already.

Maybe it was just me....I couldn't get the hang of the shaky switch thing. :whistle:. maybe one of those 'marmite' things. But I spose on the positive they were built like tanks.

It went to a good home in any case a while back.

Take care...:thumbsup:
You know my kids get the shaky switch thing on the flik straight off, no problems. Give it to an adult, watch and laugh.

Some people really love those old LEDs by Rob, see here :D
Had no Idea they were so popular, or iconic for that matter, (thought i'd better edit my first post - be great to cause offence first time out with my own humble opinions :laughing:)

Think I paid about £35.00 for mine.

I know exactly what you mean, I let one of my good friends younger brother have a go and he got it first time, i kept finding it fiddly when i needed quick illumination. (i ended up giving it to him to take to scouts, so a worthy cause I feel)

Howdy from Co Armagh :D


Actually, I'm after a tanto style folding blade so you might be able to advise of a decent one from a decent supplier??
Hey there..!

My Grandad was from Norfolk, Thetford to be exact. I used to go that way a lot when I was wee :D

He never mentioned the Drugs though :laughing:

Thetford is just as bad, I'm only 15 miles from there and go there nearly everyday.
It's overun with immigrants now, it's play spot the english man!!