Hello from Germany!

tinker gnome

Newly Enlightened
Jul 1, 2009
Germany, Lower Franconia
Hi everyone,
since I'm a new member of CPF, I'd like to introduce myself a bit. I hail from germany, and the biggest knife forum there has a section about flashlights. Some members there are also into CPF & CPFM, and advised a closer look, so that's why I got here :twothumbs

Fascination for flashlights dates back to my childhood days, whith a gizmo using a button cell to power a tiny incan bulb. It hardly shone ... :mecry: But it was small and cool, with very limited use. Thirty years later my Photon Freedom II would blew that thing out of the water :laughing:

The years went by, and flashlight technology evolved. I got hooked on Maglites, my first decent flashlights. Ten years ago I read in a catalogue from an outdoor mail order company that LED technology will be the future and revolutionize the whole market. I didn't believe it then :green: - guess I was wrong ;).

Today my collection and EDC lights has broadened a bit, calling lights from Dosun, Fenix, ITP, Jetbeam, Ledwave, LRI, Lummi, Maglight, Olight, Photon Fanatic, Tiablo, Zebralight and various obscure Chinese brands my own. And still my "wish list" and "interest list" get bigger day by day. So I well realize that CPF and CPFM are dangerous ground, for my wallet at least :crazy:

So I'm looking forward to interesting discussions and lots of things to learn :eek:

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Welcome to CPF....from Germany :D There are everywhere *gg* Sounds like a nice collection, but you don't have any Surefires yet...I have to warn you, CPF is highly addictive and drains your bank account into a growing collection of lights ;)

Grüße aus Mainz :D
Welcome to CPF, Wolfgang. Sounds like you have a good collection already. It should get even better now.

Welcome to CPF!!!

I had the opportunity to explore the Schloss above Heidelburg (sorry about the spelling) with flashlights with my father.

Wundebar!!! (again sorry about the spelling).

Germans and Germany rock.

Thanks for the welcome, guys

The german spelling was correct ... err, nearly, but it's alright, as long as you can be understood ;) Btw, we had a spelling reform since several years, which was pretty superfluous imho, and now it seems it doesn't matter anyhow (except if you're a pupil or a student ;) ).

but you don't have any Surefires yet

Yes that's right, but there are some on my "interest list". And starting with this Lego game would drain my bank account too fast :devil:

Wolfgang is a very nice person to talk to and to deal with!

Tank you, Eric! You make me blush! :D

Auch n herzliches willkommen :wave:
Viel spass im einzig wahren Taschenlampenforum :D
Ein Danke an die Landsleute / Thanks for the fellow countrymen !

Nice collection. How come to get all of these without knowing cpf?

You might not believe it, :eek: but although CPF may be the oldest, biggest and most competent flashlight forum, there exist some other sources of information, specialist webshops e.g. It is two years ago that the german outdoor supplier "Globetrotter" included Surefire and Fenix to its line-up, so better quality flashlights were introduced to different customers as flashoholics and techno freaks :)


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