Help a Greenhorn find the perfect EDC

Zen Ape

Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2010
Hey guys. First time post here, and yes, I have used the search function in hopes I wouldn't have to ask, but all I wound up doing was confusing the hell out of my self. Saw lots of cool stuff in the process though. :D

Ok, let me quickly brief you why I am here and searching for the Holy Grail of small powerful flashlights. I live in Vegas and just over the last week I have had 2 seperate incidents where I was downtown and wishing I had a light, and 1 incident that was a real eye opener and pupil closer.

First instance. I was at a show with friends and when we were heading to our seats through a very dim theatre the woman ushering us was in the lead with a small but very nice light. Sadly, I was in the rear and it did me little good outside of being able to keep track of where everyone was going. Almost took a header and thougt to my self, "I could really use one of those".

Second instance was last night. Once again out with friends but this time a dinner at a restaurant/club that was very dim. My girlfriend was having a hard time reading the menu when the waiter realized and pulled out a little pocket flashlight not much bigger than a AAA battery and I thought, "I could really use one of those".

And lastly and again just last night. After dinner when walking the strip a small section of the crowd started to get a little rowdy and an LEO happend to be nearby. Next thing I know the sun came out and then focused itself on this guys face. He quickly shielded his eyes and although I couldn't see them, I had to wonder if they were running down his face. The most amazing part, the sun seemed to be emitting from the officers hand as it was definitely a small model flashlight. What power though!

So almost all day I've been wondering and wandering, thinking that it just might be possible to carry a small light that takes up about as much space as a folding knife in my pocket and can have all the functions of what I mentioned above going from a candle to read a menu by to fusing retinas phasers on stun style.

Thus far I've read about Fenix PD2, Nightcore Extreme (front runner), Quark 123, and a bunch of others but before I shelled out any money I thought I would come out and ask for direction. Money is not the issue. I'm far from rich, but if I could get a great proven product that would last for many a year and do it all very well, I would be willing to part with a fair share of money. So, any rock solid advice and sage wisdom for the new guy? Thanks in advance!
There is a checklist somewhere you can fill out but basically you need to decide:
-battery type
-size(approx, think keychain or pocket)
-clicky or twisty

-from what you've said, my gut tells me that a simple 2 or 3 mode single AA clicky light would be good for you. I think you should look at the quark AA lights for starters. However there are a lot of nice twisty keychain lights that are worth considering too.

Firs though let us know a bit more about your preferences.

EDIT: I was thinking about it, and I think the Preon I might also be a good choice for you.
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Welcome to CPF, Zen Ape. Tough to say which would be perfect for you. If he lights you mentioned indicate size and battery preference, then don't forget to check out the LiteFlux LF3XT. It should meet your requirements. If a smaller light sounds good then the 1 AAA LiteFlux LF2XT might work.

You may wish to read the guide I have written. I am working on an updated one but it is not going to be done for awhile. Also, I think the Quarks are excellent. They are a fantastic "first" flashlight and great even for seasoned flashaholics. I am carrying one on my belt today. They are cheap (relatively), and use the best LED's available on the market right now, besides being well made and reliable.
hi and :welcome:

from what you're describing, you want a multimode light, one with a low mode for close up use and not to bother other people with the sun in your hand, for things like navigation in a dark theatre, reading menus in a dimly lit restaurant, stuff like that.

Then you want the option of blazing bright output as well.

Some options:

Quark 123 really low low and very decent high for its size.

Quark AA - less power on high as it runs on a lower voltage cell but IMHO 109 lumens to dark adapted eyes is plenty, heck even my Fenix E01 when flashed in my eyes in pitch darkness was blinding for a bit.

Quark AA2 - same level at high as the Quark 123 but with a longer form factor (2xAA = 3.0volts if using 1.5v alkalines) so you now have the 206 lumen output but at the cost of a longer form factor.

If you do decide to buy from 4sevens, please note that there is a discount code "CPF8" that you can use when checking out.
I have been carrying a light in my pocket for 3-4 years. I use it for day to day activities. From your examples, the restaraunt and the show, things like that. I also figure it for "tactical" use. You know, the LEO who made the sun come out? I have determined exactly what makes it perfect.

A compact 2xCR123 carried in my left front pocket. It fits perfectly, upright, next to my 2oz can of Fox Labs pepper spray. Bezel tight for bright/tactical/outdoor use and bezel loose for dim/indoor/up close use. For 2.5 years that was a Fenix P3D. Just last week I replaced it with a Quark CR123^2 Tactical R5, though there are several other lights...such as a new Fenix...that would work just as well. But I am completely sold on a 2x123 pocket light with a clicky and I really like the Tactical Quark's UI (user interface). I have bezel tight set to max and bezel loose set to low. It is so much more seemless than my P3D was. I no longer accidentally change modes and I can use it for momentary activation. Outstanding!

If that is a little large for your pockets, you don't lose much light at all stepping down to a 1xCR123, mostly runtime. A tiny or small keychain light is always a good choice for day to day lighting, too. At lesat if you always hvae your keys with you. That way you always have a light as well. I've had a Fenix P3D-Q5 on there for awhile. If you get a small enough 1xCR123 you can put it on your keychain, but many prefer the size of a AAA light. Lots of choices there, too. iTP A3 EOS looks nice....

There are MANY good choices, though. More than I am aware of, surely.

The Quarks are very popular right now. Especially the MiNi's and R5's, in part because they were just recently released and are as up-to-date as you are going to find with the Cree XP-G R5 emitters.
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Hi Zen Ape, and :welcome:

What constitutes the "best" flashlight? I would argue that it's the one you have with you when you need a torch. Since you seldom know ahead of time when that will be, I recommend you choose something that you can carry unnoticed until you need it. For me, it's the ITP Eos A3 Upgrade. It has three very useful modes, is reasonably well built, and has a beautiful beam. Here's a link to a superb review by Selfbuilt:

Good hunting!
So almost all day I've been wondering and wandering, thinking that it just might be possible to carry a small light that takes up about as much space as a folding knife in my pocket and can have all the functions of what I mentioned above going from a candle to read a menu by to fusing retinas phasers on stun style.
I think any decent light like the ones you and others already mentioned will do the trick. If you want something small to go in a pocket, you should consider a light that uses a single CR123. The battery size is small but has decent voltage to power a bright light. Good luck.
It sounds like you want a small, single cell light that still has big power.

My suggestions for a guy that appreciates quality gear:

Nitecore EX10 SP R2 - Click for more info:--->
New model with upgraded emitter & UI - single cell CR123/RCR123 powered light (can accept rechargables ie. great money saver in the long run!!).

Ra Clicky 140Cn - Click for more info:--->
("Narrow beam model") with an Osram emitter model with great throw. This is a fully programmable light with hands down, IMHO, the best UI out there if you like complex lights - also a single cell CR123/RCR123 powered light (can accept rechargables ie. great money saver in the long run!!)

The above Ra light is my current EDC light (does change from time to time but I always come back to this light).

Of all the lights I have tested (hundreds), the above two are stand-outs!!

The Nitecore is the cheaper of the two and great value for money.

The Ra light is twice the price but is the best quality light I have ever seen - (probably over engineered for civilian use but boy, what a light!!)

Good luck,

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seems like your ready for cr123a cells. good compact size with plenty of output.
i honestly would recommend something that uses AA cells such as the nitecore d10, or quark AA tactical.

many have recommended the quarks, and they are great lights.

my new favorite edc is my jetbeam RRT-0. uses 1x cr123a, or with optional extender, can use a single AA cell. very bright, comes with a pocket clip, looks beautiful, and has a great and quick and easy to use, user interface with its selector sing.
In the 1st 2 instances you need a light guaranteed to come on in low. Do not want to light up the whole place accidentally and have everyone glare at you (or worse).
Preon kit,
Quark Mini,
Nitecore EZ.
Even the lowly Dorcy AAA will do. Or a fauxton.

In the 3rd case you want bright but also a fairly wide beam so you can hit both his eyes simply by pointing the light in his general direction. If you need time to aim, he's got time to dodge.
Any RELIABLE P7, MCE, SST50, SST90 light.
1) Clip, no clip or keyring carry?
2) If non keyring and assuming single cell, AA or 123?
3) If 123 willing to invest in Li-Ions and a good charger? If AA avoid alkalines and go with Eneloops. Again a good charger will be wise.
4) Prefer click (button) or twist activation?

I have the NiteCore Extreme and find it a little bulky for EDC. Other than that it is a very good light.
Wow you guys are an absolute plethora of info, thanks for the many responses guys. I'm amazed at how incredibly varied they are though, which leads me to believe there are not only a whole lot of quality lights out there, but there are a great many opinions on the subject as well.

I can see this isn't going to be an easy choice by any stretch of the imagination. I did however fill out this form as was suggested, maybe this can help narrow things down a bit.

0) What Region/Country/State will the light be purchased in?

X___ _I will be mail-ordering or buying online, so this doesn't matter.
____I am in North America. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in South America. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Europe. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in the Middle East. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Africa. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Asia, Japan or Micronesia. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Australia. More precisely I am in _______________.

1) Price Range: An easy question, but you may change your mind after answering the rest! :)

____I only want to pay $1-10.
____I can spend $15-30.
____I could spend $40-60.
X____I am willing to spend $80-$120.
____I have no limit!

2) Format:

X____I want a flashlight.
____I want a headlamp.
____I want a lantern.
____I want a portable spotlight.

3) Length:

____I don't care.
____1-2 inches. (Keychain sized)
X____2-4 inches. (Pocket carry)
____4-9 inches. (Holster carry)

4) Width:

X____I don't care.
____I prefer a long narrow light.
____I prefer a short wide light.

5) What batteries do you want to use? Alkaline batteries are easier to find and less expensive but don't pack as much stored energy and are don't work well in cold temperatures. Lithium batteries have long shelf life (10+ years, great for stored emergency lights) and are not as affected by cold but must be kept dry and are more expensive. Rechargeable start expensive, but if used frequently pay off quickly.

____I want common Alkaline batteries. (AA, AAA, C, D)
X____I want lithium batteries. (coin cells, CR123, AAA, AA...)
____I want a rechargeable system. (an investment, but best for everyday use)

6) How much light do you want? Sometimes you can have too much light (trying to read up close up with a 100 lumen light is impossible).

X____I want to read a map, or find a light switch, in a dark room. (5-10 lumens)
X____I want to walk around a generally paved area. (15-20 lumens)
X____I want to walk unpaved trails. (40 lumens)
X____I want to do Caving or Search & Rescue operations. (60+ lumens)
X____I want to light an entire campground or dazzle an intruder. (100+ lumens)

7) Throw vs Flood: Which do you prefer, lights that flood an area with a wide beam, or lights that "throw" with a tightly focused beam? Place an "X" on the line below.

Throw (distance)----------------------|------X----------------Flood/close-up

8) Runtime: Not over-inflated manufacturer runtime claims (like some LED lights). but usable brightness measured from first activation to 50% with new batteries.

____20 min. (I want the brightest light for brief periods)
X____60-240 min. (1-2 hours)
____240-360 min. (4-6 hours)
____360+ min. (More than 6 hours)

9) Durability: Generally the old phrase "you get what you pay for" is very accurate for flashlights.

____Not Important (A "night-stand" light.)
____Slightly Important (Walks around the neighborhood.)
X____Very Important (Camping, Backpacking, Car Glove-box.)
____Critical (Police, Fire, Search & Rescue, Self-defense, Survival.)

8) Switch Type:

____I don't care.
____I want a sliding switch. (Stays on until slid back.)
X____I want a "clickie" switch. (Stays on until pressed again.)
____I want a momentary switch. (Only stays on while held down.)

9) Switch Location:

____I don't care.
X____I want a push or sliding switch on the body near the head.
X____I want a push switch on the back end of the body.
____I want a rotating head switch.
____I want a rotating end-cap switch.
____I want a remote control.

10) Operational Modes: Check all that apply.

____A simple on-off is fine for me.
____I want 2 light levels. (Brighter/short runtime and Dimmer/long runtime.)
X____I want multiple light levels. (some lights have 5-16 light levels.)
____I want a strobe mode. (blinks to show location.)
X____I want a tactical strobe. (Flashes rapidly to disorient an opponent.)

11) Is it important whether the body is metal or plastic/composite?

____I don't care.
X____I want a metal-bodied light.
____I want a plastic/composite light.

12) Special Needs: Is there anything else you want or need that hasn't been mentioned? Circle any below or write in your own comment(s).

____Red (night vision preserving) filter
____Other filter colors (Amber, Green, Blue, _________)
X____Waterproof – how deep: _____________
____Non-reflective/dark finish (stealthy/hard to find)
____Polished silver or brightly colored finish (for easy locating)
____Corrosion resistant or hard-anodized finish
____"Hybrid" light (bright incandescent combined with long running LEDs)
____Built-in second (or spare) lamp or filament
X____Belt/Jacket clip
____Wrist/Neck Lanyard
____Kobuton/self defense features
____Non-sparking Intrinsically Safe (IS) for use in explosive environments

Now let me get back to continue my research on all your current suggestions. Thanks again!
Wow, thanks guys. A whole lot or responses and a whole lot of differing suggestions and varying opinions. Leads me to believe there is a lot of quality EDC lights out there and I might have been better off asking what is the best flavor of ice-cream. I definitely had my homework added to. I followed the suggestion of an above poster and this might help narrow things down a bit. PS. I am torn on the strobe function and that will largely come down to user interface. Strobe is something you want to be able to go to immediately as in first setting, yet you do not want to have to go through the strobe to get to a candle like setting in a crowded environment. So I could go without if it isn't done right.

0) What Region/Country/State will the light be purchased in?

X___ _I will be mail-ordering or buying online, so this doesn't matter.
____I am in North America. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in South America. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Europe. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in the Middle East. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Africa. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Asia, Japan or Micronesia. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Australia. More precisely I am in _______________.

1) Price Range: An easy question, but you may change your mind after answering the rest! :)

____I only want to pay $1-10.
____I can spend $15-30.
____I could spend $40-60.
X____I am willing to spend $80-$120.
____I have no limit!

2) Format:

X____I want a flashlight.
____I want a headlamp.
____I want a lantern.
____I want a portable spotlight.

3) Length:

____I don't care.
____1-2 inches. (Keychain sized)
X____2-4 inches. (Pocket carry)
____4-9 inches. (Holster carry)

4) Width:

X____I don't care.
____I prefer a long narrow light.
____I prefer a short wide light.

5) What batteries do you want to use? Alkaline batteries are easier to find and less expensive but don't pack as much stored energy and are don't work well in cold temperatures. Lithium batteries have long shelf life (10+ years, great for stored emergency lights) and are not as affected by cold but must be kept dry and are more expensive. Rechargeable start expensive, but if used frequently pay off quickly.

____I want common Alkaline batteries. (AA, AAA, C, D)
X____I want lithium batteries. (coin cells, CR123, AAA, AA...)
____I want a rechargeable system. (an investment, but best for everyday use)

6) How much light do you want? Sometimes you can have too much light (trying to read up close up with a 100 lumen light is impossible).

X____I want to read a map, or find a light switch, in a dark room. (5-10 lumens)
X____I want to walk around a generally paved area. (15-20 lumens)
X____I want to walk unpaved trails. (40 lumens)
X____I want to do Caving or Search & Rescue operations. (60+ lumens)
X____I want to light an entire campground or dazzle an intruder. (100+ lumens)

7) Throw vs Flood: Which do you prefer, lights that flood an area with a wide beam, or lights that "throw" with a tightly focused beam? Place an "X" on the line below.

Throw (distance)----------------------|------X----------------Flood/close-up

8) Runtime: Not over-inflated manufacturer runtime claims (like some LED lights). but usable brightness measured from first activation to 50% with new batteries.

____20 min. (I want the brightest light for brief periods)
X____60-240 min. (1-2 hours)
____240-360 min. (4-6 hours)
____360+ min. (More than 6 hours)

9) Durability: Generally the old phrase "you get what you pay for" is very accurate for flashlights.

____Not Important (A "night-stand" light.)
____Slightly Important (Walks around the neighborhood.)
X____Very Important (Camping, Backpacking, Car Glove-box.)
____Critical (Police, Fire, Search & Rescue, Self-defense, Survival.)

8) Switch Type:

____I don't care.
____I want a sliding switch. (Stays on until slid back.)
X____I want a "clickie" switch. (Stays on until pressed again.)
____I want a momentary switch. (Only stays on while held down.)

9) Switch Location:

____I don't care.
X____I want a push or sliding switch on the body near the head.
X____I want a push switch on the back end of the body.
____I want a rotating head switch.
____I want a rotating end-cap switch.
____I want a remote control.

10) Operational Modes: Check all that apply.

____A simple on-off is fine for me.
____I want 2 light levels. (Brighter/short runtime and Dimmer/long runtime.)
X____I want multiple light levels. (some lights have 5-16 light levels.)
____I want a strobe mode. (blinks to show location.)
X____I want a tactical strobe. (Flashes rapidly to disorient an opponent.)

11) Is it important whether the body is metal or plastic/composite?

____I don't care.
X____I want a metal-bodied light.
____I want a plastic/composite light.

12) Special Needs: Is there anything else you want or need that hasn't been mentioned? Circle any below or write in your own comment(s).

____Red (night vision preserving) filter
____Other filter colors (Amber, Green, Blue, _________)
X____Waterproof – how deep: _____________
____Non-reflective/dark finish (stealthy/hard to find)
____Polished silver or brightly colored finish (for easy locating)
____Corrosion resistant or hard-anodized finish
____"Hybrid" light (bright incandescent combined with long running LEDs)
____Built-in second (or spare) lamp or filament
X____Belt/Jacket clip
____Wrist/Neck Lanyard
____Kobuton/self defense features
____Non-sparking Intrinsically Safe (IS) for use in explosive environments
Greenhorn, heck I don't even know what EDC stands for...someone educate me please.

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