Help Answer my question ? Borealis vs. 10x Dominator


Newly Enlightened
Jul 31, 2007
I am going to be using this light for police work mostly car stops and want it to be able to shine through window tint. Which light would you buy ?
THank you for your advice as I am a flashlight newbie.
I think Bones has it right. Both lights are more likely to blind you by reflection than to allow you to see inside the car.

I have used a Borealis extensively for 11 months in off-road travel, including numerous(!) caves and abandoned mines. [We spent more than a month in death Valley poking into everything we could.] i think EXTREMELY HIGHLY of it, both concept and build (and for me, the convenience of getting the whole package ready to go from Juan C.)

The Borealis is great for caves and mines, allowing not just visibility but also photography that just coudn't be done any other way (than with a very portable but brilliant light source.) I love it and find the recharging extremely easy and inexpensive via the solar panels and inverter on my vehicle.

But if you shine that light at some glass, you can't see squat!! So, I think your answer will have to come from some personal experimentation as to what you can shine and still see re: tinted windows. More lumens are likely to backfire. As with any work situation, you have to tailor the light to the task and its requirements.

Good luck.
Nevermind my tactical use as I am already set with that. I need a powerful light. My strion is not powerful enough.

I have seen comparisons of the m6 vs. Borealis but never the Dominator 10x vs. Borealis can someone enlighten me as to which may be the better light ? THanks.
Well I've never used a Borealis, but I do own a 10X. It's my work light and I think would be a perfect light for shining into windows as you have a choice of either the stock 60 lumen bulb or 100 lumen bulb, and then the ultra bright 500 lumen bulb.

I'm not in law enforcement, so I can't say for sure if it would work for you, but I do believe it would be a better fit for someone in law enforcement versus the Borealis.
I have not used either light but my choice would be surefire

the 10X is 500 lumens
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THe borealis is 1050 lumens and can hold a charge for 40 minutes. THe 10x dominator is 500 lumens and can only hold a charge for 20 minutes, so I am just wondering why you guys would reccommend the surefire ?
surefire is probably more reliable and it's got 2 light "levels" so if you have to look into a car,bus,or something similar through a window you may need not over 60 lumen becouse of the window reflection (you may be blind by the reflection of 1050 lumen)...
I was reading in another thread (can't remember which - but probably one of those incan vs. LED) that LEO find LED light to penetrate tinted windows better than incan. You might want to consider a 1-2 cell light using a Cree emitter driven to about 1 amp. It would make a great backup light to your main incan duty light as well.
I was reading in another thread (can't remember which - but probably one of those incan vs. LED) that LEO find LED light to penetrate tinted windows better than incan. You might want to consider a 1-2 cell light using a Cree emitter driven to about 1 amp. It would make a great backup light to your main incan duty light as well.

Pelican 7060. It has a cool tint because LAPD officers found that a cool light source pentrates tinted windows better than a warm one.
The advantage of the borealis is that is used a 3d mag body whick can be equiped with a taillcap lanyard and crenulated head. This might come in handy in LEO work if windows need to be broken or as another non-leathal defense option. The borealis is very reliable and the charge maintains for a very long time even when not in use. The M6 is a great host but runtimes with the high output bulb are just not long enough. Best option in my opinion would be to find someone to build a custom 4 emmiter Led in say a mag 2d host with variable output switch to adjust brightness levels. it would give you a choice of brightness plus the heavy dutyness of the mag especially withj Juans crenulated head. Plus no bulbs to burn out. A little more expensive and takes time and someone to build it.

You said that the Borealis can "hold a charge for 40 min"; not quite accurate. It will hold a charge for at least 2 months in my experience.

You may have been thinking of discharge time; in my experience (40 or 50 dischage cycles so far) it will burn for about 60 min before really starting to dim. This is due to the discharge curve of the NIMH batteries, as there is no electronic regulation circuitry in the Borealis.
If you need powerful light and small enough to be held on one hand, why not try the Polarion P40.. it has 4000 LUMENS! and i think more than 70 mins on high continued run. you will not only go through tinted windows, you'll also give the driver a dark tan in his face and if you adjust it to spot, you'll sear his cornea. "excuse me sir, have you been drinking?"....
Driver: MY EYES! MY EYES!:twothumbs
I am in LE, and have a borealis. I use it aLOT. love it. awesome on vehicle stops, and tinted windows. excellent dark alleys and clearing forests etc etc etc.
pm me, if you have any questions.
Just made the purchase today. Great to hear you like it springbok. I am from the states but play rugby. Huge springboks fan !
You will not be dissapointed.
I wish I could play rugby again, but age and injuries you know! haha.
I hope my team will do well in the world cup.
Got the light and used it on duty last night. This thing is awsome. Glad I didn't listen to bendlite and the other posters, as there comments were not based on any knowledge or fact.