I think Bones has it right. Both lights are more likely to blind you by reflection than to allow you to see inside the car.
I have used a Borealis extensively for 11 months in off-road travel, including numerous(!) caves and abandoned mines. [We spent more than a month in death Valley poking into everything we could.] i think EXTREMELY HIGHLY of it, both concept and build (and for me, the convenience of getting the whole package ready to go from Juan C.)
The Borealis is great for caves and mines, allowing not just visibility but also photography that just coudn't be done any other way (than with a very portable but brilliant light source.) I love it and find the recharging extremely easy and inexpensive via the solar panels and inverter on my vehicle.
But if you shine that light at some glass, you can't see squat!! So, I think your answer will have to come from some personal experimentation as to what you can shine and still see re: tinted windows. More lumens are likely to backfire. As with any work situation, you have to tailor the light to the task and its requirements.
Good luck.