Hi all,
I'm pretty much a complete knife noob and I'd like to jump into the middle/deep end on my first attempt for an EDC knife. All you people with your awesome knife & lights pics have pushed me over the edge. And I figure I'll get some resonable response here asking for "which knife should I buy". 😀 I've narrowed down my choices to the following:
Strider SnG Gen6 Spearpoint
Rick Hinderer XM-18
Rick Hinderer XM-18 3"
Chris Reeve Sebenza 21 Small
Chris Reeve Sebenza 21 Large
One thing that suprised me was the size of the larger knives I listed. I didn't realize how big they were until I started looking up their specs. The only sort-of knife I own is a Leatherman SuperTool and the larger ones are all bigger than that. That's why I listed the small Sebenza and 3" XM-18 in my list, I think those would fit my medium sized hands better.
Another question I have is how grippy and comfortable are the Sebenzas? The very rectangular and flat handle shape make them seem like they'd be really slippery when wet. The XM-18s look like they'd be the most comfortable and grippy, wet or dry. The fatter and more angular bottom of the SnG makes it look not all that comfortable to hold.
Any recommendations on which one to get from the more experienced knife owners here? Should I even start at this level for buying a knife? I figure it's like this, if I get a really good blade from the start, then I will not be easily tempted by the cheaper blades. Kind of like a newbie flashaholic buying a McGizmo Ti PD-S as his first flashlight so he can skip all the Fenix and even Surefire stuff. 😀
I'm actually leaning towards the XM-18, either the big one or the 3" one but those seem to be very rare and don't come up very often, even on the BST at bladeforums. And when they do come up, it's often at a significant premium. I'm bugeting $300-400 for this knife purchase so when those XM-18s show up at $600+... not really an option for me. I don't mind buying a decent used one if it's cheaper since I'll be EDCing it. I see SnGs on our own BST going for $300-ish from time to time.
One more important thing... anyone know where I can get any of these in Canada? I know truenorthknives.com carries and has stock of the SnG, but not the XM-18 or Sebenzas. Anyone know of any other custom knife shops that are either in Canada or will ship to Canada for decent prices? I've read some horror stories of greedy Canadian Customs officials that confiscate nice folders because they say they can "flick it open using centrifugal force", which would technically make it a prohibited item and not permitted for import. That's why I'm asking if I can buy these in Canada so I can eliminate that risk. I've
also read of people asking the sellers to tighten down the pivot as much as possible to make it difficult to open, even when using the thumb studs, but that's not 100% automatic pass either. Buying a good knife in Canada seems a lot harder than a good flashlight.
I'm pretty much a complete knife noob and I'd like to jump into the middle/deep end on my first attempt for an EDC knife. All you people with your awesome knife & lights pics have pushed me over the edge. And I figure I'll get some resonable response here asking for "which knife should I buy". 😀 I've narrowed down my choices to the following:
Strider SnG Gen6 Spearpoint
Rick Hinderer XM-18
Rick Hinderer XM-18 3"
Chris Reeve Sebenza 21 Small
Chris Reeve Sebenza 21 Large
One thing that suprised me was the size of the larger knives I listed. I didn't realize how big they were until I started looking up their specs. The only sort-of knife I own is a Leatherman SuperTool and the larger ones are all bigger than that. That's why I listed the small Sebenza and 3" XM-18 in my list, I think those would fit my medium sized hands better.
Another question I have is how grippy and comfortable are the Sebenzas? The very rectangular and flat handle shape make them seem like they'd be really slippery when wet. The XM-18s look like they'd be the most comfortable and grippy, wet or dry. The fatter and more angular bottom of the SnG makes it look not all that comfortable to hold.
Any recommendations on which one to get from the more experienced knife owners here? Should I even start at this level for buying a knife? I figure it's like this, if I get a really good blade from the start, then I will not be easily tempted by the cheaper blades. Kind of like a newbie flashaholic buying a McGizmo Ti PD-S as his first flashlight so he can skip all the Fenix and even Surefire stuff. 😀
I'm actually leaning towards the XM-18, either the big one or the 3" one but those seem to be very rare and don't come up very often, even on the BST at bladeforums. And when they do come up, it's often at a significant premium. I'm bugeting $300-400 for this knife purchase so when those XM-18s show up at $600+... not really an option for me. I don't mind buying a decent used one if it's cheaper since I'll be EDCing it. I see SnGs on our own BST going for $300-ish from time to time.
One more important thing... anyone know where I can get any of these in Canada? I know truenorthknives.com carries and has stock of the SnG, but not the XM-18 or Sebenzas. Anyone know of any other custom knife shops that are either in Canada or will ship to Canada for decent prices? I've read some horror stories of greedy Canadian Customs officials that confiscate nice folders because they say they can "flick it open using centrifugal force", which would technically make it a prohibited item and not permitted for import. That's why I'm asking if I can buy these in Canada so I can eliminate that risk. I've
also read of people asking the sellers to tighten down the pivot as much as possible to make it difficult to open, even when using the thumb studs, but that's not 100% automatic pass either. Buying a good knife in Canada seems a lot harder than a good flashlight.
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