Help - I'm flashing out!


Apr 15, 2010
Flashlight City
Man, ever since I found this site, my flashlight collecting is getting out of hand :p

My Inova T2-MP just came in today.

Now, my collection is as follows:

- Black 3D LED Maglight
- Red Maglight - 3D - Regular bulb
- Brinkman Xenon Flashlight - Two 123 batteries
- 3W LED Brinkman AAA Light
- Coleman Max LED - 115 Lumen AAA Flashlight
- Coleman Max LED - 110 Lumen AAA Flashlight (Spot/Flood Adjustable)
- Inova XO3 5.8 Watt LED
- Inova T2-MP 140 Lumens LED

- Below, two Inova XO 4.8 Watt LEDs on two rifles



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You need jetbeams and surefires.

I've looked at Surefires before, but I've found the Inovas to be a better deal cost wise. However, as per the recent threads about the purchase of the Inova company and their failure to honor warranties, I doubt I'll buy anymore Inovas after this T2-MP (admittedly, the T5-MP is tempting).

As for the Aug and EOtech, yea, it ain't cheap (I got it in Dec 2009). Neither is the Ps90 with Eotech shown in that other pic. But, I've also picked up two Berettas and an HK in the past couple of months. So, I'm tapped out.

Eventually, I think I want to get an X300 weapon light.

Here is a fullsize pic of the Aug. I went with the XO light for it as a good compromise of light output and 5hr+ battery life. This one has the newer orange peal reflector.

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I returned 1 of the Coleman's this morning (I kept the spot/flood model - it was brighter). It will pay for 1/2 of an Inova T5-MP. Just 1 more, that's what I'll tell myself :p