Help me go rechargeable! :)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 19, 2010
Hey y'all, I'm wanting to switch most or all of my lights over to rechargeable cells. The AA and AAA lights I think I can just switch over to Eneloop NiMH cells (correct me if I'm wrong on that) but I'm not entirely certain what to do with my 3 Surefire lights. I own a 6P Original with an old Malkoff drop-in, an E2L Outdoorsman with a factory KX2 head, and an EDCLT2-T, all of which are designed for 2x CR123A cells. I've just spent the last hour or so researching and from what I've found...

The EDCL2-T can take either 1x 16650 cells or 2x 16340 cells, with the 1x 16650 option giving less output than 2x CR123A and the 2x 16340 option giving less runtime than 2x CR123A. Let's say I wanted to go the 16340 route. Can y'all recommend a specific brand battery to use?

The E2L (with KX2) and 6P (with Malkoff drop-in) I'm not sure what to go with. I found conflicting info on the E2L and nothing solid for the 6P. Any advice? I am not against buying a newer drop-in if needed for the 6P, the one I have in there now I think I bought new in 2010 or so. Recommendations for a specific battery would be appreciated here, too.

And finally, I'm looking at these two chargers. Does anyone see any reason I shouldn't use either one of these? I found during my research that XTAR was one of the recommended brands.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

I use my KX2 and EDCL-2T heads with E2e bodies using 16650s. Lower that the stated rating using 2xCR123, but not really discernable much to my eyes. Most of the time, they are only for indoor use.

The thread on the EDCL-2T also has some posts with users using the 16650s and other battery config. Try to use the CPF search function and search for 'Surefire EDCL-2T 16650' on the box.

ETA :-- here are some results
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Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

I wouldn't bother with 16340. Load the Surefires with CR123's and leave them in your car or emergency kit. Surefires are meant for law enforcement or military, where the taxpayer is picking up the bill for batteries.

For the rest of us, 18650 is the way to go. Loads of capacity and performance, and a 1x18650 light is small enough to be easily pocketable (Zebralight SC64 for example).

If you want smaller, go with AA or AAA, and load them with NiMH Eneloops. Or, a 14500 lithium-ion cell if you want the extra power, though IMO it's not really necessary.

So, your rechargeables should mainly consist of AAA and AA Eneloops, and flat-top 18650s (Samsung INR18650-30Q or Sanyo ICR18650-GA for best bang-for-the-buck). Then load up on lights that take that format.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

If you have a Malkoff in your 6P then you should be able to run 16650's. See what dropin is in the 6P, it should be engraved with either a M61, or M60 variant.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

Yeah the 16650 cells should work fine in your 6P, otherwise I'd do what WITL suggested...find some new lights that use 18650s. I own four older Surefires and they have basically become back-ups that just sit around the house even though all but one has a newer LED dropin.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

All good info guys, thanks. I actually have been wanting to go to with 18650 and 14500 lights for a while now, I was just wondering what to do with my SF lights. The 16650 for the 6P sounds good and Jimmyboots, I'm not at home right now or I'd check, but I believe it's an M60 drop-in.
If I don't find a rechargeable option I like I'll probably just sell my SF lights except for my 6P and one of the two EDCL2-T's I have.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

Okay the drop-in currently installed in my SF 6P is a Malkoff M60, it has another tag on it that reads KDM-2020538-042309. I can't find that number online and I'm guessing it's just the serial number anyway although Malkoff could probably tell me what it is by that. Maybe I'll just get a new M61NL instead as I am not a fan of the cool white tint anymore since buying an LX2 several years ago. Unfortunately that light began getting dimmer and dimmer even with fresh 123's, when I went to warranty it they sent me a EDCL2-T as a replacement. Also, a couple of y'all said 16650 should work fine in my 6P. Is that stock or will I have to bore it out first? I could go get the micrometer but figured I'd just ask.

And... I bought my first 14500 light, a ThruNite Archer V3 1A neutral tint. I like it so far but I've only been running it on a regular (no, not even alkaline!) AA cell so far. I still need to get a nice charger and a 14500 for it. Normally I don't buy lights with strobe mode because it's annoying to have to cycle through it, but on this light it takes a long-press on the mode selector to get strobe, so I'll never see it if I don't want to.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

You will not need to bore out your 6p to use a 16650 battery.

Awesome, thanks. Got a 4 slot charger on the way, now I just need to grab some good quality li-ion and NiMH cells.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

You may already know this but I'll say it anyway just in case. The numbers you see for li-ion batteries indicate the size of the battery or cell, the first two digits are the diameter and the next two are the length of the battery and I believe the 0 on the end indicate a cylindrical cell, so 16mm dia. x 65mm L, 0 cylindrical = 16650 battery and so on. If a flashlight takes 2 CR123A batteries which are about 16mm dia, the 16650 should fit in the flashlight. 18mm dia 65L 0 cylindrical = 18650.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

You may already know this but I'll say it anyway just in case. The numbers you see for li-ion batteries indicate the size of the battery or cell, the first two digits are the diameter and the next two are the length of the battery and I believe the 0 on the end indicate a cylindrical cell, so 16mm dia. x 65mm L, 0 cylindrical = 16650 battery and so on. If a flashlight takes 2 CR123A batteries which are about 16mm dia, the 16650 should fit in the flashlight. 18mm dia 65L 0 cylindrical = 18650.

Thanks bud, I was aware of how the sizing works however I haven't actually measured a CR123 so wasn't sure what else would fit in place. :twothumbs

So let's say instead of a 16650 cell I want to step up to an 18650 for more runtime. I searched around and one option I found is to bore my existing 6P body, but apparently that causes certain areas to become rather thin with not much material left and hence reduces the mechanical strength. Another option I found is to purchase a Solarforce L2, but it seems those are no longer available. Does anyone know where to get a good host that can exactly mimic the 6P as far as features? I don't care what name is on the side or if the anodizing is a different color than a real 6P or whatever, my goals are to 1) ability to use P60 drop-ins, 2)single-mode, press-for-momentary switch functionality, and 3) powered by a single 18650. Any ideas?
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

Jeeze, I just looked at SolarForce's website and there is not much of anything left on there. It looks to me like they might be closing up shop perhaps. That's ashamed that they're no longer available. I have a L2P with a advanced programmable Pflexpro dropin and it looks like both can no longer be bought, at least new ones.:candle:
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

Yeah I thought the same thing, doesn't look good for Solarforce.
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

Well, got two Sanyo 14500's and two Orbtronic 16650's on the way. That should take care of my new ThruNite Archer 1A V3 and at least my SF 6P.

Thanks for the help so far y'all...
Re: Help me go rechargable! :)

Well, got two Sanyo 14500's and two Orbtronic 16650's on the way. That should take care of my new ThruNite Archer 1A V3 and at least my SF 6P.

Thanks for the help so far y'all...
The Orbtronics 16650 is probably a Sanyo as well, UR16650ZTA. I've been using one of those in a Elzetta Bravo AVS, fits and works well. That's the top dog for the 16650 cells at this time but I do hope we'll see a bump up in this size soon.
Help me go rechargeable! [emoji4]

The Orbtronics 16650 is probably a Sanyo as well, UR16650ZTA. I've been using one of those in a Elzetta Bravo AVS, fits and works well. That's the top dog for the 16650 cells at this time but I do hope we'll see a bump up in this size soon.

You've been using the Sanyo or the orbtronic??

I've thought about grabbing some of the 16650s as well

Also, does anyone know for sure if solarforce is closing for good??

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Re: Help me go rechargeable! [emoji4]

You've been using the Sanyo or the orbtronic??

I've thought about grabbing some of the 16650s as well

Also, does anyone know for sure if solarforce is closing for good??

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I've been using the KeepPower 16650 branded cell which I believe is the same "bare" cell as the Orbtronic 16650 cell, they're all a Sanyo UR16650ZTA bare cell with the button top and protection circuit added to the cell by each brand company. As far as I can tell.
Re: Help me go rechargeable! [emoji4]

I've been using the KeepPower 16650 branded cell which I believe is the same "bare" cell as the Orbtronic 16650 cell, they're all a Sanyo UR16650ZTA bare cell with the button top and protection circuit added to the cell by each brand company. As far as I can tell.

Good to know

Thanks man

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Re: Help me go rechargeable! [emoji4]

If you want an 18650 host, just get a Malkoff MD2 with or without high/low ring.

You already mentioned liking the Malkoff modules.

If you can find a deal on eneloop pros, i recommend those over std eneloops.

Sanyo/Panasonic, lg, Samsung all have great 18650 cells. I use protected cells but many use unprotected.

Vapecell has really good cells too. I use keeppower as they are quality rewraps at much better prices than orbtronic, etc.
I get most of my cells through illumn.

16650s are fine to use but they don't handle high current modules as well. If the module is hungry, 16650s can behave weirdly. Most of the time they are fine though.

Best of luck in your decisions
Re: Help me go rechargeable! [emoji4]

I've had great luck for the last couple of years using unprotected IMR 16340's in my EDCL2-T.

As I posted on an earlier thread in 2018:

I've been running IMR's in the EDCL2-T (and the E1B-MV) for the last few weeks. On the regulated IMR cells there is sudden darkness with a residual voltage of about 3.3.

With the unprotected cells there is plenty of warning as the voltage drops with flickering on high and some recovery after cycling the power. Final usable voltage is about 2.6, above the advertised low limit for the IMR's at 2.5 volts.

I doubt the extra voltage drop in the unprotected cells gives more than a couple of minutes extra light on high since the voltage is dropping like a coke machine when the cell goes out of regulation. But it is nice to have some juice left to find more batteries.

Also, I know from experience that someday I will inevitably leave the light on until the batteries are dead. With unprotected IMR's is this dangerous when I put them in the charger?

The protected IMR's I've tested are 4Seven's and Olight 5C IMR cells. Unprotected IMR's are some old orange label AW's and some brand new Exell EBLI-16340HP6-BT's.

I'm using a Nitecore D4 charger with default settings for all of these cells. It seems to charge to about 4.18 volts at 750 ma on these batteries according to the digital display.
In the interest of science I just ran another test of the unprotected IMR's in the EDCL2-T. I let the light run down further on high until it was dim and low mode was candlelight. There was some flickering as previously mentioned but not as much as on the E1B-MV as the voltage drops.

Cell voltages were 2.41 and 2.52. Hopefully not too far below the 2.5 min discharge on the IMR spec sheet to be significant. After a few seconds in the D4 charger indicated voltage was rising above 2.7.

When the EDCL2-T is left on high with IMR's it initially gets quite hot to the touch and then after a few minutes seems to thermally throttle back to a more reasonable temperature. Since I mainly wanted run the batteries down, I turned the light off for a little while thinking it would cool before resuming the discharge. It seemed to have the paradoxical reset effect of having the light run full bore and overheating again before becoming thermally stable at a cooler temp.