Help modifying a Brinkmann Nexstar.


Mar 17, 2007

I've been reading here a while and have decided to post something finally. Seems like a pretty friendly place with a lot of helpful information. I've learned some from reading but still have some questions I haven't found answers to regarding trying to do this modification. I have had a Brinkman Nexstar 2C for a long time and I really like it but since then I have found that LED is the way to go for what I use my lights for. So I'd like to try and put an LED in it. I found some refrences to a NexNeedle? modification done by a member on this board that apparently they sold some time back. Is that still for sale? how much?

If not, it's my understanding that the different LEDs have different driving voltages so I assume 2C's won't do. Could I use some of the 3AAA converter's to bring it up close to 9V and make that work with an LED? Any Idea's? I was hoping to just replace the bulb with and LED and drive it off 2 3AAA-to-C converters.

I will say I am a very quick learner but don't have a lot of experience working with smaller electronics like this so I was going for what appeared to be easiest to me.

Thanks for the info,


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