Hi Garbanzo,
You actually have quite a few options available that haven't been covered yet.
First you should decide if you will be using bare emitters or some sort of star board. This will determine what type of heat-sink you need. You can purchase both types at the Sandwich Shoppe as well as some sellers here on the forums. Running 3 Crees will generate quite a bit of heat and will be an expensive experiment if you don't invest in an adequate thermal solution first. Don't forget about quality thermal paste or epoxy to transfer the heat to the heat-sink. Both can be found here.
As for the electronics I'm not sure I follow what you were saying. You definitely don't want to run the LEDs in parallel but you should be able to run the converters in parallel with a single LED to each board. Make sure whatever board you go with that it accepts down to 3.6V so you can use NiMH which will improve performance and cost in the long run if you will use the light often. Using Lithium-Ion batteries vastly improves your converter options but is also very dangerous if you are not aware of the safety precautions. Not really a good idea for a first build and quite expensive but something to consider in future projects.
The biggest factor in how much current you can run to the emitters would be how well they are heat-sinked and what kind of lifespan you want from them as they are directly linked. You can find many many threads on the subject I'm sure but I wouldn't recommend 1200ma unless you are prepared for a short lifespan or spend some time reading up on it.
As this is your first mod I would also recommend going with Cree over Rebel LEDs. Rebels are much smaller and from what I've read, more difficult to work with where Crees are more mainstream and you will find a lot more options as far as optics and heat-sinks. It's great that you are asking questions and getting help before you start and I hope you find what you need to start your build. If done right it is a gratifying experience, but can be expensive and frustrating if you're not prepared. I can't stress enough to search and read these forums often. I am adding some of my favorite links that might be of use to your cause. Have more links on other computer and will try to add some more. Best of luck!
a 3C Mag build:
Very nice converters and tons of good info:
Lots of DIY flashlight parts:
Quad Mag 2C (Has list of parts w/links further down page)