HELP!!! My P3D CE is sick!

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Dec 3, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
Alright... I opened my new P3D CE and P2D CE torches by Fenix tonight only to discover after about 5-10 minutes of first-time use out of my P3D CE, doesn't work like it did normally to begin with.

What I mean is, when I turn it on now in Turbo mode, it does a flicker and shines at about half brightness of the lowest mode. When I try to turn the bezel to normal mode, it just turns off like a Mini-Mag.

No matter what I try, it won't operate "normally" like it did in the those first few minutes which was perfect. I tried wiping the contacts down and cleaning it out a little. I also tried a different set of batteries (which were brand new to start with).

My P2D CE is working flawlessly, but my P3D is not cooperating... please help.


P.S. I'm posting this in general flashlight forum too, as I need an operable P3D CE before the 9th.
Have you tried using different sets of batteries?

It sounds like the head would be the problem in this case, but for your sake i hope its just the batteries.
yeah he tried different batteries.

Mate, try tightening the head, don't powerhouse tighten it, just make sure the slack is taken up on the threads, if the contacts are clean, batts are fresh (2 sets) and the head + tailcap is tight, I really see no other option than to send it back.. unless someone out here has a magic fix.. bad luck for you dude, hope it works out.
Do you use rechargeable battery. I have similar problem with a set of poorly charged battery (Ultrafire charger is faulty for which Dealextreme replaced).
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