Hi Everybody, I'm a new user and I live in Europe where the flashlite market is not so enhanced than in USA/Canada. I' found this forum by googleing and found it very interesting. I think that I made now the good choice for me as I'm looking for a small and not so expensive flashlite. My choice goes to the P1D Q5 for quality/price reasons and because of some interesting accessories. But I still have some questions before buying it :
- Where to buy it ? Fenix-store.com (offers free worldwide shipping, and maybe 8% discount for CPF users as I read somewhere in the forum)
- Which batteries ? rechargeable, non-rechargeable (which quantity as they are very expensive in europe in comparison of USA)
- What accessories ? I like the "Fenix 360 Bike Mount" and "diffuser"
- I'm thinking of a E01 as it's only 15$ but I'm still not sure about the utility is more a buying impulsion
Well, now I hope you could help making my choice the best one or give my some better alternatives.
Thanks a lot in advance
- Where to buy it ? Fenix-store.com (offers free worldwide shipping, and maybe 8% discount for CPF users as I read somewhere in the forum)
- Which batteries ? rechargeable, non-rechargeable (which quantity as they are very expensive in europe in comparison of USA)
- What accessories ? I like the "Fenix 360 Bike Mount" and "diffuser"
- I'm thinking of a E01 as it's only 15$ but I'm still not sure about the utility is more a buying impulsion
Well, now I hope you could help making my choice the best one or give my some better alternatives.
Thanks a lot in advance
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