i feel your pain. i have a bunch of Dereelight pieces, enough to make 3 DBS's at one time and was rather disappointed w/ their XP-G setup. the pill itself is awesome...i WAS using it in my C2 until i crushed the pill when reinstalling w/ a new P60 reflector. anyways, you might as well try and get your hands on a DBS SMO for the XR-E and an XR-E pill. that light is great for throw w/ those pieces but not really useful for much else. the aspheric housing is pretty cool also. in the meantime you can drill the opening on your DBS XP-G reflector to about 0.25" or so and the beam quality should look smoother, rings should at least dissipate somewhat but it won't do much for output. Flashcrazy and i have done this and it was an improvment. a lot of people are also talking up the Eagletac XP-G equipped lights right now.