Help with Mag Cree drop in and Aspheric lens kit


Newly Enlightened
Feb 26, 2009
hello all.

im having a little trouble if anyone could help please..

i have got the KD Mag Cree Q5 drop in with52" Aspheric lens for my 2D SSC P7 modded mag..

so far i have removed the P7 ( i did try with p7 lens but it was,nt good).
there is still a plastic connection unit that has 2 wires that were connected to the i connect to cree ?
theres a little unit and a chock block with 2 wires coming off the rear of p7 led unit..i think that the heatsink and somesort of tiny circuitboard..
I am a total newbie to all this,so i did not want to do anything wrong..
do i use this board to control the 3 power settings it has at the moment ?

how do i drop the cree into the mag..?
i cannot find any diagrams to show me..i dont have any of the old mags parts from before it was p7 modded ?
do i connect the wires to the cree ? it seems the logical way ?
but which way round ?

sorry to be a total newbie.. i know what i want but not how to get it..yet.
im hoping its better than my tiablo a9 with the aspheric kit.

i thought it would be easy to do but i must admit im no engineer

any help would be very much apreciated.
i have pictures but dont know how to get them on here.?

thanks all

Hi Vince :)

You have to remove the heatsink completely
I think there is a possibility that the Mag switch has been
modded as well ..... the bulb holder MAY have been removed
so that the heatsink can fit in the Mag.
You need a completely stock Mag switch for KD dropin to work.

What you need to do is remove the Mag switch and try to push the heatsink out without damaging anything (try a pipe) .... hopefully the heatsink has not been epoxied inplace :(

I will send you a PM as well with further details :D
Hi Vince :)

You have to remove the heatsink completely
I think there is a possibility that the Mag switch has been
modded as well ..... the bulb holder MAY have been removed
so that the heatsink can fit in the Mag.
You need a completely stock Mag switch for KD dropin to work.

What you need to do is remove the Mag switch and try to push the heatsink out without damaging anything (try a pipe) .... hopefully the heatsink has not been epoxied inplace :(

I will send you a PM as well with further details :D

i was about to give up hope...then you rescue me again...
TOP MAN...Thanks !

i will await your PM.

thanks so much.
could someone post me a link to diagrams or vids of how to strip and install cree in new mag i just bought fro £19.99.

thanks all

Last edited:
could someone post me a link to diagtams or vids of how to strip and install cree in new mag i just bought fro £19.99.

thanks all



TX where is you`r contribution to youtube......??

sorted it chaps myself..applied a bit of logic.

cant get enough focus on led though..almost there just a few turns away and it would be perfect..i need to raise the cree from inside the slot but its tighter than my wife...any clues ? it went it fine but its so tight i cant get it back out again..ive loosend the led inside and turned it as many times as poss but its still not quite close enough to the lens.
so far the TiabloA9 aspheric is looking better.

thanks everyone so far..

this kit is very good...but could be better im sure.

Take the Mag switch out and push the dropin out :)

Hmmm .... I found with my KD dropin, pushed all the way in
and focused correctly, the Mag head was a tad "loose" for my liking
so what I did was to cut 3-4mm off the Mag bulb holder so that the
dropin will sit in deeper
thanks usual you have come to my rescue..all good now..

its still not as good as the Tiablo A9 aspheric.
not as bright.



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