I bought 15 WA1185's and am still on my very first one.....and I don't use the AW softstart switch. As a matter of fact, I sold it to a fellow CPF'er. Even on a cold start, the 18650's light the 1185 on the first click, but have not flashed it yet. I play with that light every day, without fail. If you're planning to buy 3 or 4 1185's anyway, I would wait to buy the softstart. It's available through AW, as well as LH.com (version B is what you want, not version A) But, you don't want the 30/60/100 level anyway. If you end up instaflashing a $5 bulb, you can order the softstart at that time.
The best deal for a new KT4 is $156. PM me for details. It comes with the MN15 and MN16 too. CB is not an option AFAIK.
The stock reflector is MOP, so you'll get a balance of throw and spill. Artifacts will depend on dust particles on the inside and outside of the lens, as well as the placement of the 1185. With the FM Bi Pin assembly, you'll be able to adjust the height of the bulb, because the pins of the bulb don't have to be shoved all the way in the assembly. In addition, you'll have the ability to slightly adjust the 1185's left/right cant. You'll need to adjust each bulb to get the filament perfectly centered. Some users try to center the glass bulb.....that's not the right way. You center the filament because that's what gets hot, and generates the light.
If you are not willing to POSSIBLY flash a $5 bulb, get the softstart. It has memory, so you can always just set it to turn on max every time. However, that'll still give you the same chance to flash as the standard clicky since both will put 11.1 or more volts into the light. I use this charger for all my batteries.
http://venom-group.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=VEN-0657 I can set the charger to charge to 3.7, or whatever I choose (within safe limits) so my batteries NEVER come off the charger at 4.2V hot. They're all set to 4V. I might get 2 minutes less run time, but my 1185 will most likely not flash.
Either way you go, the Megalennium will give you a longer run time, as you have pointed out. Plus, you get the added benefit of a slightly shorter light. It's a bit more hoody/jacket pocket friendly.