well i want to thank you guys first of all for having such a great forum. i stumbled upon this by accident actually by just surfing the web and by some freak chance i realized in my mind i wanna modify my flash lights lol. so i was hoping to get some help from you guys for my first little projects.
so so far this is what i have
from left to right..... 2 solitaires i had three but i had to throw one away due to my ignorance trying for the first time to put an LED in. so im gonna go get maybe 2 more later on for the heck of it. one mad in china light to mess with a brinkman and a surefire G3 i think it was and i have a G2 but its not shown.
so im looking to modify my solitaires to LED's if possible id like them fairly bright i dunno if thats realistic or not but id like to try anything you guys have to give me. i know its probably not the best thing in the world when theres the LOD and Fenix EO1 which i have one on the way by the way .....but i know the solitaires are simple and easier to modify than bigger lights so ya. id like to use it as my start off taking electrical classes next semester too so it will give me a good place to start practice
so so far this is what i have
from left to right..... 2 solitaires i had three but i had to throw one away due to my ignorance trying for the first time to put an LED in. so im gonna go get maybe 2 more later on for the heck of it. one mad in china light to mess with a brinkman and a surefire G3 i think it was and i have a G2 but its not shown.
so im looking to modify my solitaires to LED's if possible id like them fairly bright i dunno if thats realistic or not but id like to try anything you guys have to give me. i know its probably not the best thing in the world when theres the LOD and Fenix EO1 which i have one on the way by the way .....but i know the solitaires are simple and easier to modify than bigger lights so ya. id like to use it as my start off taking electrical classes next semester too so it will give me a good place to start practice
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