Host for 2X 18650s / D26 series lamp?


Jan 7, 2009
The Netherlands, Amstelveen
Maybe some real flashaholics can help a starting one here....

I'm looking for a host, that can take two 18650s and a 26-series lamp assembly.

It's for my new "project" to make a fairly bright light that runs for at least two hours. I plan using a Lumens Factory ES-9 energy saving lamp and two 18650s for this.

As the lamp draws only 0,85A I only need a capacity of 1,7Ah to achieve the 2 hours wanted. An AW 18650 has 2,2Ah so I can safely use it for two hours, and still have something left in the batteries to prolong their life :grin2:

The problem is: I can't find a suitable host! Surefire is a no go anyway as only the 17XXX batteries will fit, then I looked at Wolf Eyes, known for the ability of taking 18XXX batteries, but when it is long enough it has a body to take D36 lamps (Rattlesnake).

The only idea I have now thay MAY work (not sure) is, to take a Guider or Sniper body designed to take two CR123s and to screw on an extender for another two, so it can also take two 185650 batteries.
The question is: will those extenders fit the Guider or Sniper body?

If anyone has a better idea (that is, a flashlight with a ONE-PART body that can take two 18650s) then this would be greatly appreciated :grin2:

Thank you all, guys!

@DN51: this is an interesting list, not only there are many options in it, but I discovered that there seems to be a difference in Wolf Eyes drop-ins, compared to the common ones like Surefire?
According to the Lumens Factory website, their Lamp Assemblies should fit... not only compatible with SureFire, but with Pila, G&P and Wolf-Eyes too!

Now I'm confused a little. Who can shed some light on this?

I was looking for a whole flashlight, instead of parts actually. Buying a non-surefire part, then combine this BLACK part with either type II anodised black Surefire parts, or with the type III non-black parts would always end up in an ugly light.

Maybe the idea of a Wolf-eyes light with extender isn't too bad at all.... have some dropins for the exchange (3,7V or 7,4V) and you can either have a compact, yet bright light or a longer light with stupid output :D
..... or longer runtime of course.

Does anybody know if the Wolf Eyes extender fit the two series mentioned in the first part of this thread?


I was looking for a whole flashlight, instead of parts actually. Buying a non-surefire part, then combine this BLACK part with either type II anodised black Surefire parts, or with the type III non-black parts would always end up in an ugly light.

strongly disagree... some of the nicest looking lights use SF type III C2 parts paired with Leef type III bodies.

edit... OOPS didn't read very carefully your all black requirement. Still though I think you should consider a OD/gray type III finish IMHO they look stunning.
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@Kramer 5150:

The first 2 18650 host mentioned was black.

Now I see, yours is "natural" and this may end up in a beautiful flashlight. I don't actually require a black one, first and for all I want type 3 anodizing.

I still hope, someone can tell me if the Wolf-eyes extenders fit the Sniper and the other I mentioned....

OK, DM51, that was the answer I was waiting for :twothumbs

Now I can use the light for both a short version using one 18650 with 3,7V bulb, or a more powerful version with two 18650s (yeah! Finally a way, to properly power that P91 lamp assembly.... it draws 2.6A @ 7.3V.....)

Thank you,

Okay the easy answer is to buy the Solarforce L2 host that takes the 18650 type battery and one extension tube for the 18650 type battery at You can get a complete matching flashlight and lots of accessories. This is the lowest cost way to have a 2X18650 complete matching flashlight set up.

Next the energy saver 9V lamp from Lumens Factory is less than 100 lumens real output using 2X18650 batteries and current draw even though its consuming in the neighborhood of 8-9 watts of power. You can buy a whole host of D26 drop in lamps that will take from 4 to 13 plus volts and put out close to 200 lumens if not more than 200 lumens that will run of that voltage and draw even less current and run longer and yet be brighter. Even the Solarforce single Mode R2 drop in module which is only $20 is brighter and longer run time that the ES-9.

Something to think about. Also at

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