How do I measure amps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only


Jan 29, 2003
My multimeter looks very similar to this. I think mine is an older model.

Where do I put the probes connections (red and black) and what do I set the knob to? Mine says 20A on the bottom left port. It also says unfused.
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Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

Black plug has to be put into the COM jack.

Put the red plug into:
the A jack for measuring current (all A ranges except 10A)
the 10A jack for measuring high currents (up to 10 Ampere)
the V/ohms jack for measuring voltage or resistance.

Knob has to be put on one of the V/ohms scales to measure voltage/resistance, A for amperes (10A for high currents up to 10A),
If you are unsure about the value to expect start with the knob on the highest scale.

Hope this helps... :)
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Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only


This helps tremendously except I have one question. You said to put red into A jack for ranges "except 10A." Do you mean UP TO (max) 10A? On my multimeter, the A jack says "2A Max"

So I should probably use the 20A jack, first jack on the left?

I am expecting < 2.5 amps on my P7 so I don't want to mess anything up using the A jack, right?

I don't know which knob position is correct. In one section I see the word OHM but the values are 200, 2K, 20K, 200K, 2M, 20M, and one position has two symbols: a music note and another one I don't recognize.

Another section says DCA and has values 200u, 2m, 20m, 200m, 2, 20u20

Others are ACA, ACV, and DCV (which I know is voltage)

Please help.
Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only


This helps tremendously except I have one question. You said to put red into A jack for ranges "except 10A." Do you mean UP TO (max) 10A? On my multimeter, the A jack says "2A Max"

So I should probably use the 20A jack, first jack on the left?

I am expecting < 2.5 amps on my P7 so I don't want to mess anything up using the A jack, right?
Referring to the meter in the picture the A jack should be used up to 200mA. When expecting higher currents the 10A jack should be used. If you aren't sure about what value to expect then start with the red plug in the 10A jack (and the knob at the 10A scale). If reading is less than 0.2 A it's safe to use the A jack (with the knob on the 200mA scale) to get a more accurate reading.

If your meter has a 2A and a 20A jack the 200mA and 10A values in my explanation can be subsituted by 2A and 20A respectively. As for your P7 mod, you have to start with the red plug in the 20A jack.
Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

I don't know which knob position is correct. In one section I see the word OHM but the values are 200, 2K, 20K, 200K, 2M, 20M, and one position has two symbols: a music note and another one I don't recognize.

Another section says DCA and has values 200u, 2m, 20m, 200m, 2, 20u20

Others are ACA, ACV, and DCV (which I know is voltage)

Please help.

ACA = alternating current
ACV = alternating voltage
DCA = direct current
DCV = direct voltage

Current scales:
200u = 200 micro Ampere (1 µA = 0.000001 A)
2m = 2 mili Ampere (1 mA = 0.001 A)
2 = 2 Ampere

Ohms scales:
200 = 200 ohms
2K = 2 Kilo ohms (1 kilo ohms = 1000 ohms)
2M = 2 Mega ohms (1 mega ohms = 1000000 ohms)

Position the knob to the music note for continuity testing.
A built-in buzzer will sound if continuity exists.

The other symbol is most likely a diode symbol.
This setting will give you the forward voltage drop of the tested diode.
Remember you have to connect the red probe to the anode of the diode and the black probe to the kathode.
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Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

Icarus, you are indeed a gentleman, answering his questions. I read my manual, and when I did not have one I googled one on the internet. Got my basic answers that way.


I am wondering about the title of this thread, maps?
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Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

Thanks Icarus.

Bullzeyebill - You've made your point. You don't need to read this thread if it bothers you. It's clearly a typo in the title, I meant amps.
Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

Thanks Icarus.

Bullzeyebill - You've made your point. You don't need to read this thread if it bothers you. It's clearly a typo in the title, I meant amps.

Not to be a pain, but since you're aware of the typo... why not fix it?
Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

Yes, I apologize. I was being a pill, and a little righteous, and my post was a disservice to you and to Icarus.

Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only


I would love to fix it but as I am sure you know from your 6200 posts and over 6 years of membership on this forum that thread topics are not editable.
Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only


I would love to fix it but as I am sure you know from your 6200 posts and over 6 years of membership on this forum that thread topics are not editable.

I did not ask you to fix it. Yes you can edit thread topics. Go to your first post. Click on edit. When that screen comes up click on "go advanced". When that screen comes up you can edit your title.

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Re: How do I measure maps with my DMM? I know how to do voltage only

Thanks for the tip Bill. On my home browser (which I realize has been glitchy lately), I was not allowed to edit the title, even after clicking on edit. At work, I was able to change the title.

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