Referring to the meter in the picture the A jack should be used up to 200mA. When expecting higher currents the 10A jack should be used. If you aren't sure about what value to expect then start with the red plug in the 10A jack (and the knob at the 10A scale). If reading is less than 0.2 A it's safe to use the A jack (with the knob on the 200mA scale) to get a more accurate reading.Hi,
This helps tremendously except I have one question. You said to put red into A jack for ranges "except 10A." Do you mean UP TO (max) 10A? On my multimeter, the A jack says "2A Max"
So I should probably use the 20A jack, first jack on the left?
I am expecting < 2.5 amps on my P7 so I don't want to mess anything up using the A jack, right?
I don't know which knob position is correct. In one section I see the word OHM but the values are 200, 2K, 20K, 200K, 2M, 20M, and one position has two symbols: a music note and another one I don't recognize.
Another section says DCA and has values 200u, 2m, 20m, 200m, 2, 20u20
Others are ACA, ACV, and DCV (which I know is voltage)
Please help.
Thanks Icarus.
Bullzeyebill - You've made your point. You don't need to read this thread if it bothers you. It's clearly a typo in the title, I meant amps.
I would love to fix it but as I am sure you know from your 6200 posts and over 6 years of membership on this forum that thread topics are not editable.