My big lights (Maglites C and D and Garrity 2D and Eveready 2D-LED) are in a corner under my bed loose. For all my other smaller lights I use a regular boots box. I hate plastic container boxes as they are rounded up in the corners and they dont form the perfect square like ordinary boxes.
So that box is my all around emergency kit, carrying all my smaller lights and batteries and accessories for them, within immediate reach on my hands..
What can fit in there? Hm.. take a look and judge..
Here are some pictures:
This is a plain jane shoe box..
Everything fits inside it (well, aside my future purcheses of course!)
The right box carries the AA and AAA and coin cell batteries plus the several lanyards neat.. my minimag with a niteize is always available and doubles as a night light.. SF charger and MN02 lamp..
First layer off the box.. SF 8X E2O and 9P(P91), a Vextra radio/flashlight, a noname 9LED 3AAA light, and a Brinkman Minimag knockoff in a case..
Layer 2 exposed.. Garrity and Eveready disposable lights, 2 Solitaires, Led Lenser and Peak chain lights, Coast v2 tactical 3AAAA (on the holster on the left), extra MN02 (no bag), SF G2 boxed, and 2 packs of Duracell 123's on the side, and XPR103 and KPR103 sealed on the other side..
Final layer.. the minimag family, another G2, Victorinox swiss army knife, folding knife and a Leatherman squirt above the white box on the right (which contains several swiss army knives, minimag reflectors, p90 and p60 and mn02 lamps, and some 3cell maglite and solitaire lamps).. plus some extra sealed AA battery packs (too many is never enough right?)
All of the stuff in my box.. I think I forgot to mention the 2AA Garrity Xenon and Krypton aluminum lights (on the center holsters), another 9P(P91) behind the flashlight/radio, a Coast V2 (right under the box on the holster) and another Garrity LED light 3AAA (down center on the holster..)
I guess this is it for now.. I have several lights on my car too, plus several other lights scattered around the house. So I dont have to worry about special places to store them.. But this box is always right under my bed and is my all-around backup emergency kit..
Feel free to share your comments guys..
Hope you like the pictures..