How hard is it to convert 110v to 3.7v?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
i really want to use a couple of p7s as flood lights in my yard.

surely there is a way to do this on standard light fixture/p7 modded bulb?
I have seen 3.6V wall wart power supplies before.
Its just a matter of finding one with sufficient power for your application.

How many emittters and whats your target drive current?
The Xitanium is nice. I have the 700mA version driving 4x warm SSC P4. However, since the P7 is parallel only, you should use Cree MC-E wired in series instead.
think the P7 drop can be driven from like 4 to 8 volts and handle well over an amp but needs to be heat sinked well.

this would be one easy way,
