How long 'till this feeling goes away?

Mike Rivera

Newly Enlightened
Aug 15, 2006
Sacramento, CA
For the most part, I collect watches as a hobby. I like to wear different watches and I like how the little machines operate. Then a few weeks ago, a guy on a watch board I frequent posts a photo of his watch with this strange metal object.

Someone else askes what it is and he replies " of my flashlights - I collect them."

I'm thinking, "Flashlight - that's not a flashlight." I have a real flashlight (several Mags) so I know what they look like. Well a few weeks go by and I'm in a sporting goods store and I see a flashlight display that has several Surefire lights. "Hey, these look like those funny flashlights that guy collects".

I then make the fatal mistake of asking the salesperson to see them. I'm blown away by the power vs. size and I've never seen an LED light before. So I go home and find this forum and starting reading. I reading hours a day - really fascinated by these silly little lights.

Well, I joined this forum about 8 days ago. Since then I've ordered a Surefire U2 (arirved and I love it) and am waiting for both a Fenix P-1 and LT1 (both shipped by not arrived).

This weekend I also upgraded two Mag 2-D's to LED and am not sure what to do with my MiniMag or Mag 6-D.

So back to my original question, "How long until this feeling goes away?" When will I stop wanting more lights (and more power and brightness from my current lights)?

I mean, what did it take you guys, a week or two? :laughing:

- Mike


Newly Enlightened
Jun 21, 2006
Central Iowa
I know what you mean. It's been an expensive two months for me.

I seem to have reached a "plateau" where I am satisfied with my current inventory. But, I do have a slight interest in those HDS EDC lights everyone raves about, and a true retina-burner would be nice someday...

Another factor in reaching my current "stopping point" in torch spending is that my TiVo might be dying. I cannot live without TiVo. I will mortgage the house to maintain access to TiVo. There is no going back to watching television without one. It would be like forcing CPF folks back to using $1.50 flashlights. Heck, the other day I saw a "variety pack" of four flashlights, batteries included, at Target for about $10. I just shook my head.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2004
You have fallen into the black hole of flashaholism and it is already too late for you. Tell your friends to stay away from the edge, or they will fall victim also.

I hope you can at least pace yourself, so as not to spend more than your budget can withstand. That U2 was a huge first purchase, so be careful.

Anywho, welcome to the CPF Mike. Good luck with the "feeling".:)


Dec 10, 2005
Ontario, Canada
TorchEnvy said:
I seem to have reached a "plateau" where I am satisfied with my current inventory.

Don't worry that feeling goes away pretty quickly, even if it doesn't go away fast it WILL go away.

Hold on to your wallet.


Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
Mike Rivera said:
"How long until this feeling goes away?" When will I stop wanting more lights (and more power and brightness from my current lights)?

I mean, what did it take you guys, a week or two?
Lemme tell'ya... it's been the longest week of my life so far, and still no sign of the feeling going away. In fact, it only gets stronger.

Be prepared to start selling your watches to buy more lights. Who wants to collect watches, anyway? :nana:


May 10, 2006
I got my M3T today and though "this is the last light im gonna buy" I also finished my ROP and thought "must... have... more lumens..." :D

My next light is a HID, gotta pay for my car insureance first. :(

The feeling... I hope it never goes. :D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 8, 2004
San Jose, CA
to CPF.

Bad news at black rock - the feeling never goes away. It only gets stronger. Just wait untill you discover high power incans and HID's.

I have a 2D Mag light that is so bright that just the heat from it will start a campfire in 15 to 20 seconds. A while back I quit buying Surefire lights because they just weren't bright enough.

I don't see too many get togethers up in your neck of the woods, but you are welcome to join us here in the Bay area anytime we have one. If you aren't totally hooked by then, you will be after a CPF get together.

On the other hand, the smart thing to do would be to grab your wallet with both hands and run as fast as you can away from this place and never look back. Ask anyone here. They are not addicted. They can stop whenever they want.



May 13, 2006
Everybody's Hometown
Hey, hey -- another watch collector -- welcome to CPF. I started collecting watches a bit more than two years ago, mostly pocket watches. Very addictive. Decided to back off and look into something else and wound up (no pun intended) here back in May. Two HDS's, a Firefly III, a U-bin Raw NS and a Fenix P1 later (plus some lesser odds and ends), my wife is starting to get nervous. Don't know why -- I gave her my ARC AAA-P...

Have fun!
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