How many female flashaholics? Ratio to male flashaholics?

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
It's hard to tell what gender most of the posters here are, so I assume it's close to 100% male.

Anyone have any idea how many female flashaholics there are?

I'm starting to convert my wife into one, since I got her the nice purple E01 and she's also started to carry a rechargeable Energizer LED flashlight as well.

Do you have a better idea of the ratio of men vs women flashaholics?
You should start a poll to find out. I assume majority is going to be male (maybe 96/100 ratio ... pull this number out of my gluteus maximus). I don't envision many female being interested in flashlights. That's like having a forum for shoes ... there may be guys, but not many.
Welcome to the sausage party! :buddies:


I know of exactly four, since my time here at CPF. Oh, and that's including our most honorable serving wench, Greta!!

This question pops up now and then. In a nutshell, there's a lot more women on CPF than you'd realize.
What we need to do is have one big get together in a very dark room and take turns 'flashing' each other ;)

But seriously it really doesn't matter. Just be glad there's this many ppl who share our fun.
What we need to do is have one big get together in a very dark room and take turns 'flashing' each other ;)

But seriously it really doesn't matter. Just be glad there's this many ppl who share our fun.

Oh god.... must... resist... Dane Cook joke....

(if you dont know what im talking about, youtube "who's in my mouth")
Welcome to the sausage party! :buddies:
Just a guess... but I'd say that comments like this are why:

1. There aren't more women on CPF
2. Those who are here choose not to reveal themselves.

WAIT A SECOND . . . you mean all of the avatars of hot women a lot of members here sport . . . those aren't pictures of the actual member???? What a rip!! I feel VIOLATED!!
Most women on internet forums dont want people to know they're women.
That is correct.

You should start a poll to find out. I assume majority is going to be male (maybe 96/100 ratio ... pull this number out of my gluteus maximus). I don't envision many female being interested in flashlights. That's like having a forum for shoes ... there may be guys, but not many.
That's a good idea because a poll is anonymous AFAIK.
WAIT A SECOND . . . you mean all of the avatars of hot women a lot of members here sport . . . those aren't pictures of the actual member???? What a rip!! I feel VIOLATED!!

Greta's comments seem to apply here as well. :laughing:
Just a guess... but I'd say that comments like this are why:

1. There aren't more women on CPF
2. Those who are here choose not to reveal themselves.

Good guess, but I would posit:

1. The overtly technical and expensive nature of the hobby
2. The unusually confrontational and combative nature of some of the community.

I think it'd be pretty easy to get a lot more women interested, primarily because of the collectible aspect of some flashlights; it would just require a builder/machiner/manufacturer or two that would specifically gear some designs for the feminine demographic. Something along the lines of the engraved Horus lights, perhaps with some Swarovski crystals/gems..
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