how many killawatt hours should i get out of this solar set up

is there anyway i can use this with out buying the other part of it? i dont see like i used to see and didnt know this is just a extra battery pack its usless on its own is there a way to mod it to make it work ?

Is there a way to connect the cable to it (that would connect units together) and check the output voltage.
If it's say 30V,, then you could use a 24V inverter making your own cables.

It's just a big battery right?? There has to be a way to utilize.
the only power out let it has shows zero voltage must be safety measure
Spend the $ on Lithium-Iron-Phosphate batteries. They have almost double the usable capacity of Lead-Acid or Nickel-Metal-Hydride. They have more usable capacity than Lithium-Ion.

So if you have 200 Amp-Hours of Lead-Acid you can use 100 Amp-Hours (more or less) of LiFePo4 because "deep cycle" Lead-Acid batteries get damaged when drawn down more than 50%. Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Metal-Hydride, and Lithium-Ion all have lower charge limits that drawing below will damage them.

LiFePo4 can be drawn down to almost zero. It also tolerates being charged to 100% and being held there long term. These batteries have become very popular with RVers because they can opt to cut a lot of weight for their solar system storage at the same capacity, or add capacity with less weight reduction by replacing each old battery with a higher Amp-Hour battery or adding more batteries if the vehicle has room.
Galane, can you elaborate on your statement regarding that NiCd, NiMH, and Li-Ion having lower charge limits?

They can't be drawn down to nearly zero charge without damage like Li-Fe-Po4 can. That's why that chemistry is the hot thing for RV solar and portable power stations from Jackery, EcoFlow and pretty much everyone else making those.
is there anyway i can use this with out buying the other part of it? i dont see like i used to see and didnt know this is just a extra battery pack its usless on its own is there a way to mod it to make it work ?

Understanding you didn't want to spend more money,
from what I see, you can connect this unit (LFP powered) to you Li-Ion Delta extra battery.

shown in pictures LFP & Li-Ion connected together ...{Delta 2 is LFP,,, Delta & Delta Max is Li-Ion}
I have a basic Delta

very good price:
it would be so muchbetter then my deep cycle cells . i get like 2 hours of window ac runing and thats it
i have to solar systems on on front that i just use to charge my solar generator..then use the geny to charge my bikes. its only like 230 wh and 110 watts in perfect sun. it only works if my bike is like almost charged already
the system for my bikes a course quits charging at night a course I understand why but tonight I noticed it if i don't unplug the battery pack at night drains the battery
the system for my bikes a course quits charging at night a course I understand why but tonight I noticed it if i don't unplug the battery pack at night drains the battery
You need to have a charge controller. That monitors the batteries to keep them from over charging, discharging too much (they have settings for the battery type you have), and feeding back to the solar panels when they're not in sunlight.

A charge controller with MPPT or Maimum Power Point Tracking is the better type to get. Without MPPT can be lower priced but it won;t get as much power as possible from the solar panels.
is there anyway i can use this with out buying the other part of it? i dont see like i used to see and didnt know this is just a extra battery pack its usless on its own is there a way to mod it to make it work ?


Cheapest option would be to buy a used sine-wave UPS and use your batteries in SERIES (24V).

Didn't he say something about selling all his lights to buy food and moving in to his shed to save on HOA fees? I think he was getting a satellite dish on the shed for his big screen TV, maybe he still needs to get internet hooked up?