How many Fenix P-1xxx series are there?


Mar 2, 2007
I was curious. When I got my P1D-ce, I knew it was at the time a better light than the non-ce P1D. Now I know there is a model with the new Q5 diode. But what model is this being reviewed....

It says it has a Q2 diode. And I noticed that the body is different close to where the head meets body. There is some machined rings around the body there. And the body only reads "P1". Is this a version between mine and the newest Q5 model?
P1 is the model number
D indicates multilevel and not direct drive - D models are slightly longer and have minor exterior changes from the non-D model
CE indicates a Cree LED
Q# indicates the bin number of the LED, the higher the letter and number, the higher the output. Q5 is the most current and highest output model of the P1.

P1: Direct drive (no modes) with Luxeon LED, 55 lumens
P1 CE: Direct drive with Cree LED, 90 lumens
P1DCE: Multilevel with Cree P4 LED, 12-72-135 lumens
P1 CE Q2: Direct drive with Cree Q2 LED, ? lumens (it's not listed anywhere)
P1DCE Q5: Multilevel with Cree Q5 LED, 16-96-180 lumens

Don't forget finish options: Natural, Black, Olive (new), and Silver (limited, discontinued)

I own both the P1DCE and the P1DCE Q5, the difference in brightness between the two is modest to the eye (because human perception of light is logarithmic - in order for you to perceive something as being twice as bright, it actually has to be *four times* as bright. So a difference of 45 lumens is barely perceptible.) The Q5 model also has better, more aggressive knurling on the head.
I have said it before, ill say it again, the P1D-CE Q5 is my favourite light, thats how much i like it...i wish registered mail was faster...:sigh:

I believe that the "D" stands for "digital", thus the multiple levels. The non-D lights are not "direct drive", as they have fantastic regulation on their single mode.
I was curious. When I got my P1D-ce, I knew it was at the time a better light than the non-ce P1D....

I disagree with your first premise. The P1D-CE is brighter than the P1D, but it's not a 'better light'. The fit and finish is better on the P1D. The reflector works better with the Luxeon in the P1D and does not create those distracting rings like it does with the P1D-CE. Also, the light levels were initially set with the Luxeon in mind. Now the low in the P1D-CE is simply way too bright. I haven't seen the newest Q5 version, so if they fixed those problems, I wouldn't know, but I have to disagree that the P1D-CE was "a better light" than the P1D. :)