How much RAW, unadulterated fun?


Feb 14, 2007
The Bluegrass State
Ok...I got onto a roll when I was talking to the wife about the wee little WEE Cree, so I apologize about the title. :whistle:

I am really getting into the Orbs, and it's about time to start the collection. I really like the RAW XR-E, but I'm not sure where to start. I currently have a Fenix P1 that goes everywhere with me (which may or may not change...may keep it in my pocket in case I need to use a light in the rain...) As many of you may know, my one (and only) complaint was that the P1 is often too bright or too dim, but I suffered with it because the P1 was smaller and had less to go wrong compared to a P1D, etc.

This leaves me in a pickle, though. Obviously if the P1 (rated at 55 lumens) is too bright for some of my needs, then the 120/80 RAW won't do it for me. That's a start. I guess my thinking is I could get a 120/15 and use the P1 as a middle-ground. But I'm not sure I'll ever have a need for the 120 lm output....and the extra runtime of the 80/high might come in handy. Then again...if I need runtime the P1 will run in rock solid regulation for 2 hrs.... These both assume I'll continue to carry the Fenix, but I may not. Also, if the 55 has been too dim in the past, will 80 be much better? But how often will 120 be too bright? :thinking:

I can't really give you specifics for how I use my pocket light now, because it differs wildly by day. All the menial thing you use a light for every day....Geocaching, searching dark recesses of my office, looking in boxes, finding dropped items,checking on the birds/cat, looking for something in the glovebox or checking the atlas (I once had an 1986 Pontiac 6000 with a glovebox lamp and map lights...somehow 17 years later Dodge thought a pickup truck didn't need either one....guess they thought global warming meant the sun was out longer :shrug: )

Orb fanatics, please help. What are your thoughts on the different RAW output options for general all-around use (show-off isn't a factor, I'll save that for my Ti RAW...eventually!!) I know some helpful souls' first inclination will be to recommend a 5-stage Fenix or something similar as a better option for this task, but I'm set on an Orb, and I can be quite stubborn (as my wife will testify!) TIA!!

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good question, one I have pondered myself. I have an ORB Raw 2 stage GREEN. It's great. I was fascinated with the Ns and was unsure about that battery being non protected. I went ahead and ordered the Ns 120/15 after Rob kindly replied to several questions. I love the Ns. I carry a Cree Fenix P1 on my keychain and carry the Ns in it's plastic case on my belt in a small holster.
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I have a Raw and the NS and they are both great little torches. The NS is my favorite of the two. It is really tiny and extremely well made! The AW batteries(I ordered an extra) that came with it are protected. With the light on high the runtime is pretty short, maybe 20 minutes. By the way, I have the Cree version. It has a useful low with good runtime. Whichever light you choose will be a winner. Heck, get them both! :thumbsup:
I'm a huge fan of the Ns. It's one of my favorite pocket lights. It's brighter and has a nicer beam than my P1Dce. The I like the battery size and have had no problem using unprotected batteries. If it dims on high I'll replace the battery and charge the old one. The ultra compact size puts this light in a class of its own. It's still larger than a stardard Draco but throws much better too. The reflector is very large in diameter compared to the body diameter. I may purchase another with Q5 when they become available.
I have three ORB RAW torches.

A Red/Orange Lux 3 that is with me all the time - seriously useful on low for any in house navigation - a bit too bright to read by - and a real dazzler on high - light up a whole beach/field/road etc. - quite a floody beam.

A white Lux three that for a time was my brightest torch of all - also either pocket or bag carry regular only superceded and consigned to the drawer by...

The new Cree-ed longer nosed Raw - Very bright indeed, with quite a bit of throw, on high and as much as you need for most things on low. When shining this around at night, one feels the urge to giggle and laugh that small things like this have such a huge POWER!!!

Looking forward to having other colours, ORB NS and especially Wee in the future ( not too distant!! ).

A good choice of lights to start collecting.

Be lucky...
The new Cree-ed longer nosed Raw - Very bright indeed, with quite a bit of throw, on high and as much as you need for most things on low. When shining this around at night, one feels the urge to giggle and laugh that small things like this have such a huge POWER!!!

Hey Nycto, I assume you have the one set for 120-high and 15 low, then? Do you ever find youself wishing the low was brighter or that the high was dimmer? Or is it the 120/80 version?
I see where you found a NS for sale on the forum Mike! Good catch and you will really like the tiny torch! Mine are both keepers.....:)
The NS is my favorite of the two. It is really tiny and extremely well made! The AW batteries(I ordered an extra) that came with it are protected.

Ummm. The Raw ones may be but not the battery in the NS. Nobody ( including AW ) has made a protected 14250 cell yet.
Ummm. The Raw ones may be but not the battery in the NS. Nobody ( including AW ) has made a protected 14250 cell yet.

My bad are correct! The Raw batteries are protected, not the NS. However, that wouldn't keep me from buying an NS!
I've become addicted too. I got the Raw (CR2 model), I've got a 25lm Wee, thinking about getting a Raw NS and a Wee 50Lm. BTW for the raws I've gone 120/15.
Hey everyone...

Thanks a lot for your input. When I saw that Raw NS package with the goodies, I couldn't say no...orphan lights have a way of calling to me. Lol. I think I'll set my sights on a WEE next, then maybe a RAW. Need to have a family of them, ya know!

I've always loved Surefires, and they (and all my others) will still have their place in my collection, but something about the Orbs is different. Different enough that this is my birthday present to myself. I'm excited...the wait on shipping from Down Under will really make that package a welcome sight!!

Thanks again everyone!!
Hey Nycto, I assume you have the one set for 120-high and 15 low, then? Do you ever find youself wishing the low was brighter or that the high was dimmer? Or is it the 120/80 version?

Yeah, I have the 120/15 one. The high is great for outdoors - in light output, but too bright for most domestic interiors unless going for the 'Wow!'.

The low is about all you need for around the house jobs. If anything I could go even lower ( Something with the output of an ARC AAA in fact) for my personal needs.

Incidentally, this latest Raw is also very fine with a standard CR2 primary cell.

(Pause for tests..........five mins later)

Yes! With a primary CR2 the low is about the same output as an ARC AAA - perfect for nighttime sleep adjusted eyes and reading in bed. The high is about the same as a Fenix L1D CE on medium.

So I would say the perfect indoors light for almost any eventuality with a CR2 Primary!!

Thanks for the prompt leading me to realization Kentucky Mike!!

Be lucky....
Eh ?? Why buy it from Australia when you can order from direct from Rob ( Lummi ) the manufacturer in England ?

Jay R, I was about to get a new RAW from Rob, but then I came across a slightly used Raw NS in B/S/T for about the same price as an XR-E smoothy would have been new. I got a tougher finish, o-ring sealed, that gorgeous NS patina, and a trit...all-around better for EDC in my book, and for the same price. I'll still get the RAW and WEE at some point (probably from Rob), but with my funds limited at the moment I went for the ideal EDC (for me) first, and got more light for the money (again, to me at least).

Yeah, I have the 120/15 one. The high is great for outdoors - in light output, but too bright for most domestic interiors unless going for the 'Wow!'.

The low is about all you need for around the house jobs. If anything I could go even lower ( Something with the output of an ARC AAA in fact) for my personal needs....

(Pause for tests..........five mins later)

Yes! With a primary CR2 the low is about the same output as an ARC AAA - perfect for nighttime sleep adjusted eyes and reading in bed. The high is about the same as a Fenix L1D CE on medium.

Thanks for the prompt leading me to realization Kentucky Mike!!...

So really the CR2 RAW could be seen as a 4-stage...just two of those stages are a little harder to get to. ;-) Nearly ideal outdoors on a Li-Ion, and for indoors on a primary. Not to mention primaries make good back-ups for travel & emergencies. Very versatile light, and that just reinforces to me that I need both the NS and RAW! Oh, if my marriage lasts a year it'll be a miracle! Lol. Thanks for the input, Nycto...much appreciated my friend!!!
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