How old is you EDC flashlight?


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
It dawned on me today as I emptied me trousers pockets the the little flashlights I carry are 5+ years old. (PKDL PR-1 and PL-2). They still get the job done very well everytime.
The I remembered some saying they still carry a Fenix E01 and some an ARC aaa.

How about you?
I have two SC01 Sofirns on my keychains that are about half a year old and my bigger lights are a year old at most. I had four i3E Olights that I recently sold for not being used (I only used one really), they were about three yo.
I also EDC a couple of Petzl e+Lite headlamps that are about four or five yo.

Finally, there is a LED light in my Vic Traveller, that I carry with me everywhere since I got it a month ago.
Made a couple of updates in the last 6 months. Before that it was a Fenix LD10 for about 10 years. Still have it, still works great but AA format just didn't have the run times I'm hitting now. Current EDC is an Acebeam E70, & yea I got big pockets/lots of belt room
I love reading of people who own one flashlight and have carried it everyday for ten years, then post a picture and it looks like it's spent a week in a rock tumbler.

I wish I was one of those people.
My current edc is a sofirn sc31 pro and it's only a month old.
I like to rotate my edc lights, the oldest is seven years old, and the newest is three weeks old.

1. Four-Sevens MMU-X3. Oct. 2014, 1,600 lumens, 26650, 3 x XML2.

7. Olight S2 Baton. 18650, XML2. Feb. 2016, ~1,000 lumens.

8. Acebeam EC50vn spec 1. 26650, 70. May, 2016; 3100 lumens.

14. P60vn Quad XP-L HD 2 cell host Cryos Cu head. March 2017, 4,300 lumens.

22. 47s MMU-X3vn 3 x XHP50.2, one-off, Dec. 17, 2019, 5,500 lumens, 346 meters, 30Kcd. 26650.

23. Nitecore TM9KVn, 21700, 9 x stock XP-L2 6500, Jan. 6, 2020, 9,500/268M factory specs, Vinh specs after boost: 9120 lumens, 297 meters, 22Kcd, and improved heat sinking.

24. Nightwatch NSX53vn Jan 27, 2020. 21700, 3 x XHP 50.2 8,000 lumen, 375 meter, 35Kcd. A red hot screamer for its size. Throw is the best of numbers 22 through 25 inclusive, too.

25. Nitecore E4K vn, Jan. 30, 2020. 21700, Factory 4 x XP-L. 4,000 lumens, 261 meters throw. protected/longer length/solder top spring 21700.

26. Emisar D4V2 vn, Feb. 22, 2020, quad W2, 4,020 lumens, 429 meters with throw optics. Single 18650. Midway size between S2 Baton and E4K.

27. Lumintop FW3Avn triple W2.1 Feb. 28, 2020, 2,800 lumens, 425 meters throw. 18650.

28. Lumintop FW4Avn, quad W2, throw optic. April 13, 2020, 3,850 lumens, 456 meters throw.

29, 30 and 31: Three Lumintop 21a Pro Vn, May 26, 2020, single 21700, triple XHP50.2. 9,500 lumens, ~350 meters throw. One for me, and two for gifts to friends.

32. and 33: Two Imalent MS03, June 15, 2020. Triple XHP70.2. Single 21700 protected usb-c, or with large solder blob. 9,535 lumens, 313 meters. Smallest triple XHP70.2, I think.

34. Mateminco MT07 vn 7 x W2. June 16, 2020. 8,000 L, 678 M, 115KCD. 26650.

35. Astrolux (Mateminco?/Sofirn?) EC03 July 9, 2020. 21700 3 x 2XHP50.2, 6700 lumens, 303 meters.

36. Noctigon KR1vn SBT90.2 DL single 18650 July 24, 2020.

38. and 39: Two more Astrolux(Mateminco?/Sofirn?) EC03, August 4, 2020.

46. Another Nitewatch NSX53 vn, Dec. 24, 2020. 9,300 lumens, 444 meters throw. 21700, 3 x 50.2.

49. Lumintop FW21aPro Vn 3 x 90.2, March 2, 2021. de lens, 8,500 lumens, 486 meters.

51. Mateminco MT70 Mini single SFT55.2 single 18650/21700/26650 Oct. 1, 2021. 6,800/4,500 lumens, 1,428 meters.

I have much edc'ed much larger lights; I have carry-worn and torn: MM15, SX25L3, Meteor M43, TN36UT, Fenix TK75vnQ70, 2x Acebeam X65vn, Manker MK34vn spec 5. It was in Jan 2020 that I switched from edcing large lights, to edcing medium size and small lights.
I love reading of people who own one flashlight and have carried it everyday for ten years, then post a picture and it looks like it's spent a week in a rock tumbler.

I wish I was one of those people.
My current edc is a sofirn sc31 pro and it's only a month old.
Give it time chip.

These are PVD coated.
5 years every work day in a pocket with coins, and a knife in one pocket, a knife and nail clippers in the other.
I can't remember how long ago it was made but at times I still carry the first aaa maratac stainless steel sold by county@com. I have many other lights to choose from now but it was my first true pocket edc light that was bright and lasted more than a month.
I feel like "EDCing" & carrying have become interchangeable nowadays, though they are not the same. Your EDC is something that you consistently carry everyday, like your wallet. If you rotate your EDC, its no longer EDC, its just something that you carry, more or less frequently. I EDC my mdc, its on my person every time I leave the house, without exception, like my wallet. I carry a lighter perhaps 50% of the time, its not part of my EDC.
If I carry an absolute minimum of one flashlight during the day, and two or more at night for seven years, but they are not the same lights every day, then I edc a flashlight, but not the same exact physical specimen.

If I listen to the same CD over and over, is that OCD?
It dawned on me today as I emptied me trousers pockets the the little flashlights I carry are 5+ years old. (PKDL PR-1 and PL-2). They still get the job done very well everytime.
The I remembered some saying they still carry a Fenix E01 and some an ARC aaa.

How about you?
A few months. I bought my Fenix E12 v2.0 earlier this year.

Before that, for about 6 years, I carried an Inova X1, before that a Leatherman Serac S3 for maybe 10 years? I can't remember when I got the Serac S3.

edit: Apparently, the Seracs came out in 2008, so I guess I probably got mine in 2008 or 2009, and so it was my EDC light from then until late 2014, when I moved to an area where CR123A batteries were not easy to find at a reasonable price, so I bought the X1.

Before the Serac, I probably would have been carrying a Mini Mag-Lite 2xAA, and that would have been my EDC from about 1986 until getting the Serac.
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About a year or 18 months I guess. Peak Eiger 5700K Robyn did for me. to replace the Oveready HiCri version from many years ago.
My EDC primary flash light is a streamlight protac 2L which is fairly new, less then 2 years. I do have a TRL 1 HD that's has been in my EDC pistol rotation and I think I have been rocking that one for at least 5+ years.
I currently carry three EDCs in person. One E2e with an LF tower upgrade, the other is a MagAA with custom LED setup (custom tower module, collimator lens, Kroll switch), and then a Frankenstein E2d setup with LF's complete head upgrade. All lights are holstered.

Previously I've carried a modded Nextorch Magic Max for some 15 years. Very beat-up due to no holster carry (just in my LHS trouser pocket), but the setup worked fine It has a custom module (NG1000+319a), modded McR reflector, and custom UCL. Has worked very well until some months ago when the tailcap's rubber boot broke, exposing the internal clicky components partially. Unfortunately since no spare parts were available from the factory (also because of the model's discontinued status which means any support has been capped long ago), I ended up getting another one on eB and transplanted the module, reflector etc. into the new host. However, realizing how much wear the host has gone through inside the trouser pocket I've decided not to EDC it anymore and instead relegate it to home use. Not a great choice, but still a necessary one IMO.
It dawned on me today as I emptied me trousers pockets the the little flashlights I carry are 5+ years old. (PKDL PR-1 and PL-2). They still get the job done very well everytime.
The I remembered some saying they still carry a Fenix E01 and some an ARC aaa.

How about you?
Klarus Mi7. It's in my pocket every day of my life.
Klarus Mi7, it's in my pocket every day. I have a 14500 in it and use it all the time.
ZebraLight SC600 since 2011 ~ 10 years and still going strong; 5.4" long w/ 18650 and an 80° "wall of light" spill that is better for working on things up close than walking around at night

Edit; I should probably include the FourSevens Mini Mark-II Turbo I've had on the heavy-end of my keychain since 2016 too ~ 5 years; 2.4" long w/ RCR123 and an 70° spill that is a nice compromise between 80° working up close and 60° walking-around at night. Fyi, Prometheus bought 4-Sevens, and it's nearly impossible to find lights with a nice compromise like the MK-II turbo had circa 2016

Both EDC's are ~1,000 Lumen Cree XM-L's, XM-L2 on the 4-Seven, sporting 186 Lumen per Watt (Lm/W) efficacy.

Fwiw, I've had a 2250 Lumen Olight Warrier X pro with a 60° spill in my ride for a little over a year now, but its' 5.6" length and 21700 keep me EDC'ing my smaller ZebraLight and FourSevens

I'm super tempted to snag a 3,000+ Lumen SST-70, but it's 162 Lm/W rating means anything using it that is small enough to EDC has to level-down to avoid over-heating, forfeiting said lumen bonus. So, I'm trying to hold-out for a Led emitter with better efficacy. It's been a long time since we've seen huge emitter improvements.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Some say that 400 lm/w is the practical upper theoretical limit. US DOE estimated over 250 lm/w by 2025 ~ ymmv
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