How to make a cheap Bat-signal?


Apr 6, 2007
What kind of transparent film can I use to put in front on the POB 35W hid lens that doesn't leave marks and doesn't burn instantly from the heat?
What kind of transparent film can I use to put in front on the POB 35W hid lens that doesn't leave marks and doesn't burn instantly from the heat?

You technically can't put any thing on the lens to produce a shadow because the light beam has not yet reached it's maximum focus. It would have to be probably at least a few feet in front of the lens. Just like if you put you finger on the lens there won't be a shadow of it, you probably won't even see any deformation of the beam at long rang.
Find a "Bacardi" Logo Lenser (and if you find a source, please let me know - I'd like to obtain a few more for gifts!) or a "CPF friend" that is a generous fellow!!

Pic courtesy of Kiessling!
(We're getting some mileage out of this pic, eh Bernie?!)


I made on today using an aspherical lens on a mag, I just coved the back with electical tape and carved out the symbol. Looks terrible due to my cutting / drawing skills, but if I printed somthing out or spraypainted the back with a stencil it would look great.

As for the POB HID...well if you could fine a asperical lens that fit that I'd imagine you could do the same.
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Considering the lens diameter it would cost 3 times the price of the light itself :whistle:

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