How to mod Fenix E01, UF 602C, Romisen R-1A01 or KD Buckle with colored LED?


Newly Enlightened
May 13, 2008
Looking to place an order with either dealextreme or kaidomain.
(or possibly another source for the E01?)

Decided on either:
Fenix E01 (at KD, not DX) $18 shipped (any other cheaper source shipped?)
UltraFire 602C $15
Romisen R-1A01 $12
KD Buckle, Mini SSC 42180 P4 U-Bin. $15

(There's also this lesser known one at DX:
M839 Compact Cree P4 LED Flashlight with Flex-Mount ?!! $15

Really set on green led, but none of those offer that.

If I could get past the green need, I could do the mod Benny mentions with the Romisen R-1A01 and SSC P4 U-Bin - that would be nice.

But back to green - :D

At dealextreme, I see a Cree green led
(pretty nice)
and a PG180A green led (whoever that is!)

I have a good deal of electronic experience so not too concerned about modding.

I would like to get the Fenix E01 (but will settle on the others) and change out the nice LED already in it, for a green one.
I did search the forum for E01 and surprisingly did not find any mods? That seems odd.

Has anyone changed out the E01 led? Ok, maybe not seeing that it's a nice one to start with.

Seeing that I want to anyway, which green led do I go with (or do I need to find another one different than one of the two mentioned above?)

Again, if no green led is available to swap into the E01, I'll go with one of the other 1xAAA flashlights mentioned above.

Looking to place the order today or tomorrow, so thanks for any input in the meantime.
The E01 is quite new, I think many of the orders weren't shipped yet
I'm sure there will be mods in the near future
You can get the E01 from for $15 shipped! (additional clip $5 and 8% discount code "CPF8" available)
The KD buckle light is only available as V4 with a CreeQ5 for $23
The heads on both flashlights are glued to the body, so opening it may be difficult. You could try freezing or heating the light to remove the head.
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Nice. Thanks for the link and store link.

Looks like I may just go for the E01. Just a few bucks more than the others and seemingly better, at least in construction, not sure about output and things.

And if I can't settle on a green led at this time, can always do it down the road when one comes available. Or just rig up a filter.

So, any recommendations for a suitable green led? Would one of the 2 referenced above work?

I love those 2 sites by the way with free shipping. Helps big time to better gauge costs while shopping. And if you just want to order a $4 thing, doesn't cost $12 in the end.
Cool thanks. And for the fast response also. This forum is one of the quicker ones out there. ;)

Looks like E01 it is. ;)

Funny, I saw that lens mod link earlier today while searching. Pretty cool.
But most likely I'll hunt down a Nichia green or rig up more of an internal type filter (not too keen on the extra bulk rubber on that mod).
Well, you can use one and sell the rest here or on eBay again.

Yes, Fenix Store is a good place to buy the E01. They have a 8% off coupon "CPF8" as pointed out above for purchases $20 and up.

Use the white for a bit, if you don't like it, then go for a filter or try to swap the LED.

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Thanks Gunner. ;)

Did more searching....can't believe that .au link is the only place I am finding the green one's for sale!

Most likely I'll live with the white for a bit, but still would like to hunt down the green now if I can.

1) If anybody has a free moment, can you see what you can come up with for a US source? And I'm really not up for buying the 100 right now. ;)

2) I know the Cree, SSC and Rebel are top leds, so is this Fenix with the Nichia led really all that nice? I know there is much praise here. I guess what I am asking is if the Nichia in the E01 able to rival the Cree's, SSC's, Rebel's, etc.? I sure like the construction quality of the E01 and the HAIII, etc., just wonder if the Nichia is older tech or up there with the newer ones.
And wondering if the E01 is really all that much better than the other ones listed in my first post. It seems to me it might be, but I'm just going on pics and brief overview of reading through various posts at CPF.

It doesn't have the potential to be anywhere as bright as the high power LEDs, but it is (the Nichia GS) the best 5mm LED you can get right now.

It's a good keychain light but there are brighter ones out there if that's what you're looking for.
You have to decide if you need a really bright high-power light (Cree, SSC, Rebel, ...) with a runtime of <1h or a light for normal use in the dark with a runtime of >10h

You could check and compare the E01 with the L0D or liteflux LF2X (beam is comparable to the KD buckle)

Nichias are available here in Germany

or here
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Yeah, I've been looking through all the high powered LED's at the led-tech site and now I'm just so undecided!

Problem with things today - too many choices it's overwhelming!:sick2:

I see green in the Cree, Seoul P4 and Luxeon Rebel!

And why no cool site like this led-tech one in the US?

I know the UF 602C and the Romisen flashlights I mentioned in the first post are easier to mod. I believe they both use Seoul and there is a high powered green from Seoul. Hm. :confused:

I just don't know what to do now.
I do like long duration lighting, but at the same time, it's nice to know I am carrying the brightest I can for whatever application. I suppose I would lean more towards the brightest. I usually am not running a light that long and usually get back to a rechargeable in time.

Now I'm thinking maybe go with the UF 602C and wait it out till there is a US source for the Seoul green leds as per the led-tech site.
Also to just let you know. Peak has a memorial day sale and you can pick up a matterhorn with a green LED for $22


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