How to tell apart optics ? NX-01, NX-05, Fraen, Carclo ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2005
If I have these optics mixed-up, how can you tell them apart ?
Maybe cross-sections would help, can anyone help ?
I have the same problem. The best we can do is to look up the specs from the respective manufacturers and compare dimensions and design like the hole in the front. Some have a hole up front, some don't. I know Carclo has a downloadable PDF on their web site. Then measure length and compare design.
Lemme give you a short summary:

NX-05 will have a flat surface, thats why arc LS uses them without additional window.
NX-01 will have a bump on the business end.
Fraen LP will have small hole in the middle of the business end.
Carclo optic performs similarly as NX-05, so I am not sure myself on how to differentiate between the two
Left: Carlco 6 degree, Middle: NX-05, Right: Fraen LP

I don't know what the Left one is, but it's what I pulled out of my Princeton Tec EOS headlamp. I thought it was a NX-05 until I compared it with a known NX-05 when taking this picture. The cavity where the LED pokes up into the optic is shorter than the NX-05, and it's missing that extra top bit on the lens side.

[EDIT] Icebreak has identified the left unknown one as a Carlco 6 degree.

The Fraen LP is concave (dished in) on the lens side and has that hole in it just like the bottom LED side. I don't have the Carlco nor the NX-01 so I don't know what they look like.
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I think your left optic is the Carclo.
It's datasheet confirms cavity is shorter where it sits on the emitter and also
the extra top that sits in the bezel...

What is the difference between NX-01 and NX-05 ? Which is newer, which is better ?

And BTW, which should (or could) work with either Cree or SSC (modded or stock).
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I'm glad the question came up. I had to think about it then look around. (Hey, I thought I put a Carclo in that's an NX05...where's my other Carclo...hmm...and this MadMax mini-mag has an LP in it?...I don't remember doing that)

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've got them straight.

NXO1 - Business end or "photon exit surface" concave with a nipple in it. Recessed lip.
NXO5 - Business end flat with recessed lip.
Fraen LP -Business end has a whole in it. Lip not recessed.
Carclo 6 degree. Business end is flat. Lip is not recessed. This optic is shorter than the others. My favorite.

Of course, there are other differences but I figured these design elements would be the most easily identified.

Check out the beams in the Otics shootout!

and the Optics review-Carlco Precision and others threads.

I hope this was of some help.

- Jeff

Gee I thought I could take my time on this answer.

The one on the left in AvroArrow's picture is indeed a Carclo 6 degree.

The NX01 is newer than the NX05 but it's not new. It's the mystery optic because Fraen won't claim it. It is sought after because the hotspot is more intense than NX05 and LP and it still has sidespill. The Carclo 6 degree doesn't have much sidespill. All the light goes into a square beam with a good central hotspot.

I saw a while back where someone used an NX01 with a Cree and it looked OK. The only Crees I have are in a custom and a mod I don't want to take apart or I'd check it out. I'm curious what the Carclo Fiber Optic would do. Never worked well with Luxeons.

Hey Shifty!
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Hey ICEY!!!

Huh? I thought NX01 is older? thats why the name is 01, compared to 05 ??

well, it can yield a tighter hotspot than NX05, but in all my experience using NX01, i never liked the beam at all.

I tried NX05 and fraen on my cree and neither works well. the beam shot is soo dirty it reminds me of a blotched up luxeon inside one of those lens. Some ppl actually tried NX01 with a cree and they said the beam resulted is pretty nice and tight, but I never actually see it in person, so :s

As far as SSC, well, you got to try it yourself :)
report it back to us when you do

You're right, shiftd. NX01 is older than NX05.

If I see that thread for the NX01/Cree beamshot I'll post a link.