How to tell when a Ni-Cad is shot...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 17, 2007
South Carolina
Alright, got some older B-65s and alot of newer ones, but I dont want to trash my old ones if theyre still good...and being the technical minded guy that I am, I cant ditch them based on performance alone...I need numbers from my multi-meter...(Im down with OCD, yeah you know me...:thumbsdow)

So...what's a good way to tell that my Ni-Cad's are shot? Is it that they won't charge past a certain point? Or how fast they lose their charge? i.e. I can charge a few, and if they lose so much of a charge over X number of days , they're bad? :shrug: What's the best way to determine when my Ni-Cads have given up the ghost?

Also, since the B-65s are 4 cell sticks, would it be any different with single cell Ni-Cads? I have a bunch of radio-shack C/D cell ni-cads that may have run their course, but want to determine this based off science instead of guess work:thinking:

Thanks in advance for the help!