How's the Tk-10?

Cascade Range

Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2010
Chilliwack, B.C, Canada
Locally there is an individual selling a Fenix Tk-10 light. It is used but
according to the seller is in excellent shape. I would be visiting this sale in person.
My question is how has this light been for Fenix? Is it a good reliable, rugged light? It comes with a case, no batts, and wants $50 for it.
I've never bought used before and being new I appreciate your input/help.
Thank you.
Locally there is an individual selling a Fenix Tk-10 light. It is used but
according to the seller is in excellent shape. I would be visiting this sale in person.
My question is how has this light been for Fenix? Is it a good reliable, rugged light? It comes with a case, no batts, and wants $50 for it.
I've never bought used before and being new I appreciate your input/help.
Thank you.

Hi Cascade Range,

I have TK10 and my answer to your questions is YES! It's built like a tank, comfortable to hold and with a very smooth beam profile. Not a thrower but works very good for short and mid range use. If the used example is in good condition I would say it's worth to consider.

Regards, Patric
Patric, thanks for the info on it. It looks to be a pretty good light.
At 220 lumen (high) when you say it's not a thrower can you clarify
what you mean please? Thanks.
Patric, thanks for the info on it. It looks to be a pretty good light.
At 220 lumen (high) when you say it's not a thrower can you clarify
what you mean please? Thanks.

What I mean is that there are some other flashlights with equal total brightness but with a more concentrated hotspot, which makes the light to reach farther. A wider and less concentrated hotspot is more useful for shorter distances. TK10 is not the best light if you want to use it at very long distances but for shorter and mid distances it's good. It has a good allround beam.

Regards, Patric
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:wave: Go for it! Its a great flashlight. I used this light (as well as others) for a couple of years during my military service. It is a highly reliable and bright flashlight which has survived lots of hardships:whistle: If you want more TK10 stories, let me know!

Peace out!!
