Hyper Lux V - Possible Mods?


May 9, 2006
So Cal
I have a HL-V - 2004 version (3x123, Kroll switch).

Has anyone thought of possible emitter changes to this light? With possibly a two or three level converter?

Also, I would really like to run it on 2 x 17500. Two AW 17500's do fit in the tube but are not quite long enough to reach the existing anode.

The HLV is such a beautiful piece of work and I would like to have it modded and updated a bit.

I would be appreciative of any ideas or sources for this mod.

Many thanks,
CCB, here is an example of what I think is a mod you described.

It's not an easy mod, it involves custom machining a McR38, and machining a new module for the LE and emitter. It runs on anything from Vf (just over 3 V) to 12V.

I believe the module is a press-fit into the head, which makes it a bit more difficult to remove than threads.

Just an emitter swap is possible, but proper focus will depend on the reflector/optic you have and the emitter chosen. Also, some were direct drive, and others regulated. If yours has a converter, it may be possible to use a modded Kroll for the 2-stage. The simplest Kroll mod would be a installing a shunt resistor so the Kroll selected hi-lo, and twisting the tail on-off. Implanting a Judco clicky into the Kroll would give a lo-hi-off (or hi-lo-off) reverse clicky, but that's a more difficult Kroll mod.
Yes, that is pretty much what I was hoping to achieve.

It sure sounds like a lot of modding and probably quite expensive. Plus, I would think it takes a special caliber of modder to do it.

Great looking light you have there LZ!

I have an HLV running a Flupig using 2x17500 cells and they work well for me. Do your cells have a button top?

There are numerous mods available in addition to what Dennis posted. Did you see Mac's Ostar mod he just posted yesterday I believe in his forum? I think I saw him mod another HLV or SuperflashlightIII with 3x Crees and a flupic. The SFIIIs and HLVs are the same exact lights except for the 2x CR123 vs 3x CR123 tubes and cosmetic distinctions. TnC had the 2x CR123s in the HLIII setups.

Also Chris is working on a prototype of a 3x Rebel setup. The results are still out on this.

An easy mod is to get a latest generation LuxV star such as an X bin and simply solder it in for additional lumens.

I've also seen Milky mod one using a Golston reflector and a LuxV with surprising results. Rather than a donut hole the LuxV produced a LuxIII reminiscent hot spot!
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I have an HLV running a Flupig using 2x17500 cells and they work well for me. Do your cells have a button top?

There are numerous mods available in addition to what Dennis posted. Did you see Mac's Ostar mod he just posted yesterday I believe in his forum? I think I saw him mod another HLV or SuperflashlightIII with 3x Crees and a flupic. These are the same exact lights except for the 2x Cr123 vs 3x CR123 tubes and cosmetic distinctions.

Also Chris is working on a prototype of a 3x Rebel setup. The results are still out on this.

An easy mod is to get a latest generation LuxV star such as an X bin and simple solder it in for additional lumens.

Hi Eric,

I'm using AW's 17500's. I can make it work with a small rare earth magnet on the battery top, but I don't for fear of it slipping.

I did see that beautiful splash ano that Mac modified. Wow!

Thanks for the additional info and suggestions!