I dont know which flashlight to get next!

Dark Light

Newly Enlightened
Oct 7, 2007
I have about 100 bucks (doesnt mean i want to spend all of it, :broke:haha). I was thinking a G2 since i have a 6P with a malkoff M60, I could just use the G2 as my Incan. light since i have a P60 and P61 bulb just hanging out, plus the one that would come with the G2.

I also like the E1B, but do I want another LED light?

I have my 3D mag upgraded to a terallux LED, It works rather well so I dont know if I want to go for the Malkoff upgrade just yet.

My current lights are:

A2 with red LED's
6P with M60 and a couple Incan. Bulbs
L2D Premium Q5
2 reg. AA Mini Mags. (maybe I should upgrade these?)
AAA Mini Mag.

I need suggestions...any and all are welcome please.
Just relax . . . deep breaths . . . and buy a computer game or something. Maybe Call of Duty 4 or something similar. By the time that wears off you can be ready for the onslaught of P7 based lights!

Okay, that will never work, I know, but it was worth a shot.

You have no big lights. Get yourself a larger light. Make an ROP or buy a Wolf Eyes Rattlesnake or something similar. I have a Raider with an HO-9 in it and it's very bright and not that huge either. It takes 3 primaries or two 18500's. And you'll still have enough left over for the game! :nana:
Some ideas:

ZebraLight headlamps, their beam profile is rather unique and they do not only work as headlamps (They have accessories for other uses to).

A thrower: DBS, Tiablo, MRV, Spear

A programable light: LiteFlux, NovaTac, Jetbeam
How about...

Saving the money and waiting until there is something that you truly want or need in a light. You have no idea what you want or need, so it sounds as if you are buying simply to buy. Wait till it is more clear, and it will actually mean something to you.

Just an idea.
How about...

Saving the money and waiting until there is something that you truly want or need in a light. You have no idea what you want or need, so it sounds as if you are buying simply to buy. Wait till it is more clear, and it will actually mean something to you.

Just an idea.

Oh sure... just throw some logic in there why dont you! I came in hear to get talked out of the logic stuff cause thats what my mind is telling me! :)
You don't have to buy another light, you know. Your collection seems quite complete to me. Save up, or buy something else...
Put a hotwire kit in one of the mags, and a teralux in the other, then buy a video game.:poke:
And I don't see an E2E in that lineup either:D

(Every TRUE flashaholic must have one)
Any of the following made in the U.S.?

DBS, Tiablo, MRV, Spear

These seem like possibilities.
Hotwire is a good idea... but by the time you throw in batteries and charger it will probably be over budget. Long term you may want to build one and buy a few of the needed parts now.
You should really upgrade those 2 MiniMag for sure. Make them into long run time lights with a 2 pack of SMJLED's for $20.
Hotwire is a good idea... but by the time you throw in batteries and charger it will probably be over budget.


Yeah I can second that, however if you're inclined to be persuaded... how about modding a M@g to a SSC P7 I mean 900Lm is getting close to hotwire territory isn't it? and those early Terralux drop ins were okay but why simply settle? :grin2:
You need a thrower, so the DBS V2 gets my vote. Otherwise, you can go for big power with a hotwire as Cydonia suggested.
Hotwire is a good idea... but by the time you throw in batteries and charger it will probably be over budget. Long term you may want to build one and buy a few of the needed parts now.
You should really upgrade those 2 MiniMag for sure. Make them into long run time lights with a 2 pack of SMJLED's for $20.

Sorry, I meant to do the hotwire on the minimag! (The strion bulb setup at Lighthound) Well in budget, and awsome WOW factor!