I dont understand why I cannot post?

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Lumencraft (Matt)

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2008
I posted a question earlier about how long it would take to recieve items I orderd from a site. My question was "REMOVED" and it said to post it on "CPFMP" but when I go there is say "YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ACCESS THIS PAGE" How do I fix this?
you need to create an account there. CPFMP and CPF are two differnt forums

And you'll note that the mods here at CPF and CPFMP are more sensitive to thread topics and posts being in the proper sub-forums.

At first, I thought they were being overbearingly oppressive about it, but I soon realized how damn many posts these two forums get every single day. This is one of the largest, most active forums I've seen, and as such, it really does need tighter control than most others or it would be impossible to find the information you want.

The forced organization as you have personally experienced is definitely needed and most welcome here, even if you have to feel the cold hard sting of a moderator's slap once in a while. :eek: :confused: :mad: :eek: :( :ohgeez:
Welcome to CPF, vestureofblood.

You have been rushing about posting a lot of threads on very similar subjects, and I have been following in your wake merging them, which has been a nuisance.

Please take some time to do a bit of looking around and reading, before asking a whole lot of questions. Most of the answers are there, waiting for you to find them.

Please do NOT continue posting one thread after another.

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