So I've been running a Windohs machine using a RAID mirror array. Everything was fine until yesterday when one of the critical OS files got corrupted. No sweat, I thought - the mirrored drive should still have a workable copy of it.
Nope! The mirrored drive has the identical munged file on it, rendering both of them unbootable.
Why does Windoze have to be so damn delicate and cranky? Can't they write an OS that can just do it's thing and stay out of the way so I can work?! :whoopin:
Sorry, just had to vent. The machine will get fixed but it aggravates me to no end that these systems need so much babysitting.
Nope! The mirrored drive has the identical munged file on it, rendering both of them unbootable.
Why does Windoze have to be so damn delicate and cranky? Can't they write an OS that can just do it's thing and stay out of the way so I can work?! :whoopin:
Sorry, just had to vent. The machine will get fixed but it aggravates me to no end that these systems need so much babysitting.