I have a flashlight dilemma.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 19, 2008
I need to carry for my job. They get used 5 days a week. Yesterday I got 3 torches in the mail. A Nitecore D10, a Nitecore Defender and a Sure Fire E1L. I already carry a Surefire E2DL, a Fenix L1D CE, a Gerber Infinity(to clip on the bill of my hat), a Pentagon mole light and a surefire G2L as a backup. As you can see most of the lights I carry are AA battery lights. I need the E2DL for it's through. I don't like to keep shelf queens as I can use the cash for other things. I need to figure out the keepers and the ones I should let go or replace with something else. I really like the Nitecore lights so I will keep those for sure. I need a torch to reach out and was thinking about the Fenix TK11 to replace the E2DL? There is also the battery issue. If I can keep things going on rechargables that would be best. I no you can get 123 rechargables, I would just rather go with single cell lights. Any thoughts?:shrug:
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Re: I have a flashlight delama.

Welcome to CPF!

I agree with your train of thought. Aside from my Fenix L2D Q5 and elcheapo Coast beater headlamp, everything else is a single cell light.

It makes life easier when you only have to worry about one power source to maintain and track.
Thanks for the welcome!!!
Yea, I really want to get away from 123 cells in my work lights. With all the new technology single cell AA lights are really great and with the adjustable beam, ya gotta love it!! They just don't have the through.
The SF E2DL has a nice tight beam that reaches out. I really hope the Fenix TK11 will do the same. The smooth reflector and 225 lumens should do the trick.:thumbsup: I may have to sell off the New still in the package E1L to get the TK11. It's just hard to sell a Surefire to buy some other torch:sigh:

If you want to restrict yourself to AA batteries, and are looking for a AA light with throw, you might want to consider the Olight T25-T. Runs on 2 AA batteries and as an added bonus works nicely with the SF F04 diffuser if you want to have both throw and flood.
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What's your job? It helps to know what the mission is if a choice in lights has to be made.
Emergency road service. (AAA flat tire changer, battery installer, locksmith, and so, and so..)
Would the TK11 outthrow the E2DL enough to be worth the change? No idea, someone else can answer that. But isn't the E2DL significantly more compact and easier to carry? I'd think it would also be much easier to hold in your mouth if you needed both hands free for a minute.

For your work I would absoutly get a F04 diffuser for the E2DL for close up work. It would seem to me that you already have the good setup for close tasks and distance.
I'm surprised you haven't added a Zebralight headlamp to your setup. Just great for that closeup work you must also do.
The Olight T -25 will throw great .
If you want throw, would you mind a larger light? Usually the larger and/or deeper a reflector is, the more throw you get from the same output. The E2L is different due to its optic.
If you want throw, would you mind a larger light? Usually the larger and/or deeper a reflector is, the more throw you get from the same output. The E2L is different due to its optic.

Yes,you'er right.I agree with you.:candle:
Emergency road service. (AAA flat tire changer, battery installer, locksmith, and so, and so..)

There 'ya go; now I'll jump in with a recommendation. ;)

The D10 you already have is a good start for an EDC that can be kept on your person anywhere. It is certainly bright enough to go with any of the tasks you mention.

But if you're into Emergency Road Service, that also means that you always arrive in a vehicle. Plus, you mention that you'd like to go with rechargeables as well.

So the rest of my personal recommendation is to stay with the D10, and you can obviously use NiMH rechargeables if you like, or even go with the 14500's as a slightly brighter option.
Then going back to the idea that you are always in a vehicle, I'd recommend having a second, much brighter light that you keep in the glovebox for those occasional times when you need more than the D10 can offer.
For that, you still want to stay compact with a single cell rechargeable, so a light like the CL1H with 3SD module would be great (single 18650 rechargeable), and it comes with a good belt clip as well.
At the same time, there are other lights in this same class that have additional features like a strobe function that you might find handy for use as a warning light when on the road.

Just those two lights would likely be all you "need", but I'd personally also like to have an AE 25W Xenide in the truck as well. You just never know when you'd need a super blaster HID. ;)

There's my .02
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Do you own your own truck or work for a company like Road Rangers here in FL?
I work for a company that is owned by AAA, Auto Guradin.
Here is a list of what I cary curantly.
On my belt at all times:
A Surefire 6P with a Malkoff M60 drop in.
A Nitecore D10 in a Fenix L1D holster.
In my shirt pocket I have a Pentagon Mole light.
In my backpack I carry a Gerber Infinity(to clip on the bill of my hat)
And a surefire G2L in a holster mounted on the backpack.
Things my change as I have aquired some new lights over this last week.
NovaTac EDC, CMG ultra G, and a NovaTac EDC Ultimate 60. (US Marines model) I have rechargables for all the lights I carry and also primaries just in case. I think I'm just about there.......:thumbsup:
You need the Surefire E2DL for it's through? What do you mean?

I just got a L1D CE Q5 in the mail today. :D
You already have the D10, great light for 1 AA.

I also have the L2 body (for a L2D CE Q5). Love the output from 2 AA's. Might be a worthy successor to the E2DL if you want to get out of 123s.

Maybe A HID? I'm not sooper familiar with all the lights, but do you have a new AAA like a L0D Q4? Amazing output for a little AAA. That would be your other 'gap.' Most of the AA chargers will charge AAA so there shouldn't be much investment.
I think i'd move in the direction of a DereeLight CL1H with smooth reflector, (pick a 18650 only powered module). But you definitely need to get a good headlamp. I find myself recommending the argo HP a lot (probably because I have owned one for the last ~2 years or so and have beat the living heck out of it and put hundreds of hours on it and it still works great), try to get the one with the newer LED in it. They run good on a single 17670 li-ion cell.

I'm confused... I thought the OP wanted to focus on AA lights, yet his list seems to be dominated by CR123 lights.

Could always try a modded Led-Lenser Hokus Focus... supposed to be as bright as 123 lights and uses 3xAA.


You are right. I started out with the impression that I wanted to try to keep the majority AA but as time and knowledge has moved on I see I can run 123 rechargables so that will keep the cost down. Since I use these every night(5 nights a week) rechargables is the way to go for me. I just can't seem to get the out put from the AA lights as I can get from the 123 cell lights. I WILL keep the AA lights as I feel they are great and necessary but as EDC's for work I am moving more toward the 123 cell lights. I now have an RA Twisty 120 coming so I will also have to give it a chance to prove it's self along side the others. I'm also looking hard at a ZebraLight H50-Q5 as well........ It sure is nice to be single with grown up kids...LOL!!!:laughing: