I just started in ceramics

The Dane

Jan 14, 2006
A little background:
The knife laws in Denmark are retarded to say the least :banghead:
Total blede length 7,00cm, only folders without blade lock, and no onehanded operation. So basically only small Swiss army knifes :scowl:

One day 2 weeks ago i was tobogganing the world wide wait, i stumbeled upon a Canadian site specialicing in ceramic knifes.


I started out with 3 "Stanley" blades and 4 days later they arrived, in my Timberline they work perfect and the first one has yet to get the slightest blunt from cutting cardboard daily.

The quality blew me away and a EDC folder might be in order. Checking the site i fell in lowe with the Rigger, I like the inverted tanto point. Sadly it is to long for DK and thumbstud + bladelock was also in the way.

A PB to Phil the owner and he agreed to make me a custom. He ground the blade down to 7cm, removed the thumbstud and disabeled the bladelock. He even included a nylon sheath because he is worried i might hurt my privates while having the knife in my pocket without bladelock:thumbsup:
The best part is that the extra service was a freebe, way to go Phil!

Enough ramblings, now for some pics:

I love the flint arrow head logo


Heres the workhorse Timberline

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You can get ceramic razorblades? :eek:oo: I wonder if he could make some with a hole in the center to fit my old Craftsman cutter/scraper?

Do you have any idea how strong these blades are? Certainly they hold an edge well, but being pure ceramic instead of ceramic-coated, I wonder how much they can bend before they shatter.
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Do you have any idea how strong these blades are? Certainly they hold an edge well, but being pure ceramic instead of ceramic-coated, I wonder how much they can bend before they shatter.

Ceramic blades don't bend much, but they don't shatter, either. Most twisting or prying done with blade just snaps it off. But for cutting, they are quite nice.


It's awesome that he legalized the blade for you at no extra cost, AND included a sheath, to protect yourself. That is great customer service!

I might have to get his ceramic pocket knife in the future. I hate having to pay someone to sharpen my knives when they go dull.

Cool. Thanks for sharing this source for ceramic blades. :thumbsup:
How do you re-sharpen a ceramic blade - such as that pocket knife in first pic ?

A diamond stone ? Is a special sharpener available ?
Not completely sure about this but i belive ceramic blades are sharpened with lasers and any sharpening with a stone you do will just make it dull. I got that from a cooking show on the food network.
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Yes, you use a diamond stone. He sells one on the site.

Well...one Rigger, two retractable razors, 3 Stanley razors, and a sharpening hone later...that was a quick hundred bucks out the door. :green: But when am I ever going to find ceramic razorblades again?
Dane, I have a question about the knife laws in Denmark.

The knife you bought has an exposed liner-lock. If the liner-lock is straightened so it doesn't automatically lock in place, you could hold the lock in the locked position with your fingers when you are gripping the handle. That way you could still have the protection of the knife not being able to close on your fingers as long as you are holding it, but it would be able to fold closed as soon as you let go. Is this still legal? It seems like it would be a reasonable compromise.
By definition any locked blade carried without proper cause (work, hunting, fishing, boyscouts etc.) is illegal.

The supreme court has just woted in two principal cases where "illegal" knifes were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
1 case: A Leatherman tool forgotten in the glovecompartment of a car = 7 days prison downed to $600 fine.
2 case: A 18 old guy working at a gas station cutting boxes for scrap keeps knife in sidepocket of driver side door. Picking up a friend at a disco 3am = 7 days prison downed to $600 fine.

If the lock only is functioning when pressed then who'll know? ;)

I just knew that more CPF'ers than me would fall into that money pit:lolsign:
TorchBoy, have you ever tried to stab someone with an unlocked folder? If you had, the answer would be obvious. :p

I like the way you think, Dane. My only concern is whether the police would arrest you for having a knife that can be locked at all, even if only when you're holding the handle.
TorchBoy, have you ever tried to stab someone with an unlocked folder? If you had, the answer would be obvious. :p
Ha! When I read that I immediately thought manilla folder (for filing), and the answer was "Um, no. :confused: " But I'm into Swiss Army knives that don't lock and yet the blade seems to stay open even so. I don't think I'd find it hard to embed it in something politically correct - say, soft earth - and can't really see that it would make a serious amount of difference to a poor unloved individual who really wanted to hurt someone. But are boy scouts allowed them? Only when in uniform?
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Ha! When I read that I immediately though manilla folder (for filing), and the answer was "Um, no. :confused: " But I'm into Swiss Army knives that don't lock and yet the blade seems to stay open even so. I don't think I'd find it hard to embed it in something politically correct - say, soft earth - and can't really see that it would make a serious amount of difference to a poor unloved individual who really wanted to hurt someone one. But are boy scouts allowed them? Only when in uniform?
I was wondering that too. Do you have to carry your boy scout ID with you or something? Or can you only use a locking knife when you're actually doing something for a boy scout project?

Man, I never knew their were so many places in the world with knife laws that make no sense. It's better to guarantee I'll eventually injure myself with a knife that closes on my hand than to risk the chance that I might someday injure someone else with a knife that doesn't close easily? Okay.

This kind of logic was brought to you by the continent that invented round-tip table knives so people couldn't stab each other during dinner, but it was considered impolite to not have your sword with you, lest a lady's honour should go undefended.
A little history to illustrate how some laws in Denmark come about.
In the late 80's a serious revision of the veapons law was over due. No more shotguns without license and no more carrying big knifes (and a lot more bull). A comite regulating the knifepart was in motion and in essence the supreme judge said that he couldent care less of what they found out, as long as he could keep his SAK and insedently it had a blade of 7cm.

The major problem is that an intire population suffers because of a few criminals that couldent care less about legality anyway. The criminals here has now mowed along from knifes to guns from east europe. The chicken way! To stab a man you need to be so close that he has a fair chance of defending him self.
I think that most of the retards here has had their guntraning in Lebanon. 30 rounds from a semiauto and all that they can hit is air, buildings and pavement. 106 gunrelated insidents last year and only 6 dead/wounded in Copenhagen.

In Norway they banned knifes totally and the number of kniferelated insidents was downed 40%. Talk about a law that dont work $h!t.
I think that most of the retards here has had their guntraning in Lebanon. 30 rounds from a semiauto and all that they can hit is air, buildings and pavement.
Most of the bad guys in American movies must have got their gun training from the same place.
reminds me of that scene in pulp fiction

On a side note, I acquired a leatherman that locked, and I thought it was sweet that all the tools don't come after my knuckles when I'm trying to screw something in or pry at something. After reading this thread, though, I discover that this thing is a big time liability! So, am I allowed to have this in my residence in the US? and apparently I'm not allowed to take it anywhere? (how would one buy these, then, if they can't take them in cars?)