I just watched stuarts1031 on MS's show


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 22, 2001
Graham, NC
I just watched stuarts1031 on MS\'s show

Guess what Martha has. Did I hear a basic black 3D Mag?
Nice collection of old lights. At the end (6-7 min) he did show the "wave of the future". A Pelican Mini-keychain.
Can we get Craig on her show?
Re: I just watched stuarts1031 on MS\'s show

phred, what kind of attitude did the show take towards people interested in flashlights ?

I wonder if it was presented as if we were all pioneers in a fast-growing *World of Lights*, or a little bit crazy ......

Re: I just watched stuarts1031 on MS\'s show

Hi LL. The additude of the show was geared more to the historical aspect of stuarts collection. He had some very pristine old "flashlights" and explained how that term came about. Speaking for myself, I was hoping that he would have gone from old to modern but I feel that there may have been time constrants on the segment. All in all, I enjoyed seeing some early examples of things that shine. Take note of the first example of a tube type flashlight when this airs. It had a lens on it that looked like a giant recessed LED.
I was not joking when I said Craig should be on the show with cutting edge lights but with Martha holding a Mag, what are the odds on that.
In case anyone wants to know, many shows can be watched early on C-band satellite as they are pre-fed to networks. I watch X-files on Sunday mornings. One needs only to know when/where it is.