
Dec 7, 2005
Connecticut USA
Damn. I think I lost my semi-custom EX10 last night at my daughters soccer game..!! I had it most of the night, then when I got home, it wasn't in my front pocket ! :poof:

I've never lost a light before, let alone one that cost me $120. I had all the Ti parts, slotted piston with Blue Trit., the works !! :hairpull:

I went back there this morning and looked around. No luck. Left a note with the front desk in case some good citizen turns it in. (yea right)

I know it's only a light but it was my mose expensive semi-custom light.
Sorry to hear that... :awman:

Think on the bright side (no pun intended), you didn't lose a Lunasol and also you have a reason to buy another light :D
Hi Budman,

that sucks! Try to post an ad in your local Craiglists lost&found column, surely read by many soccer moms :)

FWIW, I once lost a digital camera in Boston and actually got it back eventually after an ad in Craigslist. So there are some good citizens out there!
Damn. I think I lost my semi-custom EX10 last night at my daughters soccer game..!! I had it most of the night, then when I got home, it wasn't in my front pocket ! :poof:....

Sorry for your loss.

Just curious.... were you using a pocket clip? Did you have the light in your "watch pocket" or regular front pocket?

For ideas about where you might have left the flashlight, check out the article How to Find Lost Objects.
Thought I'd lost my Fenix LOD, with 10440 bat, since I couldn't find it for a week.

I convinced myself to stay away from small lights since this was #2, lost my Leatherman Serac S2 months ago.

Turned out that the Fenix had fallen into a basket on the floor between my nightstand and the bed. Rolled off the nightstand and, with great accuracy, fell into the basket.

So now, I won't carry a small light unless it is secured to me with a tether or part of a larger key chain.

Now if only the S2 would show itself...

I can't even imagine how would it be this flashlight falling in hands of non-flashaholic people...
I had the Ti pocket clip. When I sit down my leg bends at the hip joint and sometimes has a tendency to push the light up and out of my front pockt.

I had on looser jeans which is good and bad.

Man what is a "normal" person going to do with that light. Probably throw it in a tool box or the kitchen drawer !! :thumbsdow:mecry:

Worse yet, throw it out because they don't want to pay for CR123s !

Lost a good RCR to boot.

I'm sick. :mecry:
Sorry about your lost.

Next time leave a note in the light with how to contact you(along with a laynard) so if the person is nice they can get the light back to you. Make sure not to place the price in there though, they might try to sell it.
Go look for it at night, maybe you can see the "Blue Trit" on the light.
I lost my D10 with glow tape on the light, I can't find it during the day, but I find it at night with UV light, it glow.
I'm sorry for you :(.

Nearly lost my EX10 too. I searched for it for days and then a friend had it in his jacket. We were out taking pictures at midnight and I gave it to him. Didn't remember that he still had the EX10 when he left and then I didn't remember next day that I gave it to him. Hope it turns out well for you.

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Very sorry to hear that. Was the turf muddy? Maybe its buried a little bit, especially if you were near the bench? I hope you find it.
That sucks! Sorry to hear about it. I lost a $60 and a $20 light before but nothing with any emotional attachment. Hope it turns up before some non flashaholic does the unthinkable to it.
Reading some of these replies you would think somebody had died.:grin2:

Anyway sorry to hear about you're loss, losing things like these is not fun at all but one man's loss is another man's gain... You maybe just enlightened somebody. :thumbsup:
That stinks! I would be ill if I lost my stock EX10, much less one that has all the bells and whistles.
Hope you find your "baby" Budman. It stinks to lose a light, especially an expensive one. I get attached to my lights and it bothers me when I lose even an inexpensive one :ohgeez: