I need 2 lights an EDC and a Thrower


Newly Enlightened
May 17, 2019
So I've been away from new lights for a while, but since I gave away my Klarus XT21X to my brother and my Sunwayman T40CS died. I need to replenish basic needs of 2 lights. All I currently own is a Fenix E28R

any help will be listened to and appreciated.
Pineapple Mini or the Acebeam TK16 for the pocket and a Sofirn SC01 on the keychain.
I don't really have any suggestions on an EDC but for a thrower in a fairly small package (21700)... Sofirn IF22A. Can't say enough good about it! I've had mine for a month now. Walk the dog in the woods every night with it. Just outstanding! I don't like throwers with reflectors as the 'hard' spill edge bugs me. The TIR lens in the IF22A has none of that. Fantastic hot spot throw with a decent amount of spill but the spill has a nice gradual fade into my peripheral vision. And only about $40
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Despite my dislike of Olight's new business model of using proprietary cells in their lights, they are good lights. The Warrior X Pro is an excellent thrower and you could go with the Warrior Mini II for EDC.
EDC- HDS or Peak depending on size / mode requirements
Thrower- Malkoff Hound Dog / MD3/M91T again depending on size requirements

Or if the size / mode works for you the Malkoff MD3/M91T H/L is an an absolutely fantastic all around utility light.