I need narrow beam and big distance flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2010
Earth, Greece, Drama
Hi ,
i am from Greece. The last year I began to collect flashlights :naughty:
Until now, i have only Solarforce L2, Solarforce L2 + Lantern, and wainting to arrive the Masterpiece Pro-1.

I need one flashlight with very narrow and long distance beam.
I think Jetbeam RRT-1, Solarforce Skyline.... What other? :thinking:
The money that I want to give is 100-200 $

Thanks for the hospitality :twothumbs

Best Regards
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Some suggestions for throwers that fall within your budget range would be:

JetBeam RRT-1.
JetBeam RRT-2.
JetBeam M1X.
Tiablo A10G - fantastic throw, really tight beam profile.
Dereelight DBS V3 (maybe also with the aspherical lens).
Thrunite Catapult.
Eagletac M2X.
Eagletac T100C2 Mk II is pretty good also.
MG RX-1 is also a very worthy thrower.
Or if you feel lucky I'll suggest the Ultrafire WF-008 Recoil thrower from DX.

If you were to ask me which one I would pick as my favorite thrower from the list, it would have to be the Tiablo A10G. Throw is fantastic.

Some suggestions for throwers that fall within your budget range would be:

JetBeam RRT-1.
JetBeam RRT-2.
JetBeam M1X.
Tiablo A10G - fantastic throw, really tight beam profile.
Dereelight DBS V3 (maybe also with the aspherical lens).
Thrunite Catapult.
Eagletac M2X.
Eagletac T100C2 Mk II is pretty good also.
MG RX-1 is also a very worthy thrower.
Or if you feel lucky I'll suggest the Ultrafire WF-008 Recoil thrower from DX.

If you were to ask me which one I would pick as my favorite thrower from the list, it would have to be the Tiablo A10G. Throw is fantastic.

You are very clear. :thumbsup:
Your Masterpeice Pro-1 will be an incredible thrower (better than most mentioned in this thread). Mine arrived today and it is very impressive.

The only thing better will be an aspheric like the DBS with aspheric head or the DEFT.
The DEFT is without peers. I love saying it . . . there's just nothing else like it. That's saying a lot in this world where companies "borrow" design elements and UI's all the time from each other. It's the lightest (weight), most powerful light you'll find. You might want to email Michael (saabluster) to find out when the next batch is coming up.
Is the SIZE of the light important?? i do not know much as well, but from what i own, a LED Lenser P14, Aurora WF-600 are very good throwers.
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but instead of creating a new one, I thought I'd ask it here. I am also looking for the narrowest beamed flashlight, but in AAA format. If the light is compact enough, AA suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
Info above is old. Here is come current info.

Problem is the DEFT or DEFT FTP are no longer made. The only model currently made is the DEFT EDC which is about 40k lux @ 1 meter.

Jetbeam RRT-1 R2 is also no longer made. the current version or the RRT-1 is not a great thrower.
Tiablo A10G is impossible to find. You can pretty much take that off your list.
Jetbeam RRT-2 is not a thrower. I measured my R2 version at about 10k lux @ 1 meter and the current version is worse.
Jetbeam M1X uses an MCE emitter. There are now much better throwers.

I assume 50k lux or more at 1 meter is thrower. Anything much less is really not a big thrower (IMO)

The masterpeice Pro1 head will get you just over 50k lux @ 1 meter the XRE R2 but it is a pencil thin beam with a very small hotspot AND you need TWO 18650 cells to get full output and throw. That will get you about 55k lux @ 1 meter. You can do better.

EagleTac M3C4 XML, Olight M3X, and Catapult V3 all get you to about 50k lux @ 1 meter. I measure the M3C4 as the strongest of that bunch. However, these lights have a much larger more pratical hotspot compared to XRE R2 throwers.

The best LED throwers are (according to my measurements):

If you want lots of throw, the Lumapower D-mini with the XRE R2 emitter and Turbo force head will get you 70k lux @ 1 meter. (smallish light)

If you want something larger, look at the Lambda lights 3C XML or varapower XML. I measure my 3C XML at 90k lux @ 1 meter (and that is also with 1000 OTF lumens and a large hotspot). (medium size light)

The best LED thrower is the Fenix TK70. I measured mine at 114,600 lux @ 1 meter. (very large light)
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I see there happened quite a lot in the time I was away ;).

I like those XR-E thrower, had the Tiablo A10 once and it was a great thrower but as tre just said it is no longer available. A nice thrower is a XR-E in a D/C-Maglite with the aspherical lens from Kaidomain. You could go for an 1.4A driver as you have enough heatsinking capabilities in your Maglite which would make a nice throw. That would be a nice idea if you like to make something on your own.

comparing TK70 and TK41, which has more throw?

Not even close. The TK70 has much more output and way more throw. The TK70 also uses 4 D cells as opposed to 8 AA cells and is 3x the size (or so).

TK41 = 45k lux @ 1 meter
TK70 = 114,600 lux @ 1 meter.
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but instead of creating a new one, I thought I'd ask it here. I am also looking for the narrowest beamed flashlight, but in AAA format. If the light is compact enough, AA suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

Can anyone suggest long distance led flashlight which will be good to watch animals at forest, however not much costly (100 USD). As I am not a frequent visitor, amateur tourist, visits 3 - 4 times in a year.