I ordered a Lumapower M1 but why not a Fenix P2D CE??


Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2007
Toronto, Canada
Although I just ordered the M1 . .and I can't wait to try it out (my first real light since an old twintask. . . I've just got the bug for modern lights).

So I'll have the M! anyway . ..but as I continue to read, I really wonder if the Fenix P2D-CE doesn't have it beat in an overall sense? From the reviews on flashlightreviews I see the following:

Fenix runs "about" an hour on a CR123 at 82 output overall and the M1 runs a little longer but roughly an hour at same output on 2 CR123's. At low output I should get about 4.5 hours on the M1 and about 2.5 on the Fenix. However the Fenix low is 47 overall output vs. 34 on the M1.

So I get little a little more run time but at a lower output. Clearly on 18650's I can get double on the M1.

Is that the real benefit?

The Fenix is just so small . .and with 1 primary . .it is just so much more powerful/efficient than it appears.

Although I think the M1 looks "cool" (is that allowed?) . . the Fenix is true pocket size . . and at only $55 is just too good a package.

So there is my newbie assessment . .and I will probably end up with both . .but thought I'd ask the experts to chime in, as there are probably a few things that separate the two that I don't yet know.

The main attraction the 2x123A/1x18650 lights from LumaPower, Huntlight, and Dereelight offer is their ability to run on 18650s which CPFers really love (not many people outside of CPF and RC hobbiest know what the hell an 18650 is...I've tried to explain Li-Ion sizes to friends and family and they just wonder off to lala land). They also have fairly flexible drivers that can take a single Li-Ion all the way to 2x Li-Ions, but most people buy them to run off an 18650. The output and runtimes of the Huntlight FT-01 XR-E is actually better than the LP M1, but yeah, the LP M1 does look pretty cool. The Dereelight has a lot of features I like also like bezel down clip (the main reason I never got a LP M1) and a simpler UI (low and high), so I may pick up the Dereelight CL1H.

The P2D is definitely nice and by looking at the numbers, I'd say your assessment is pretty good. But the LP M1 has more throw, something you'd probably expect from a larger light with a considerably larger head (I think the M1's head is larger than the FT-01 and CL1H), so that would be a factor also (beam profile). Being on CPF, you'll end up with more than just both...trust me.
The main attraction the 2x123A/1x18650 lights from LumaPower, Huntlight, and Dereelight offer is their ability to run on 18650s which CPFers really love (not many people outside of CPF and RC hobbiest know what the hell an 18650 is...I've tried to explain Li-Ion sizes to friends and family and they just wonder off to lala land). They also have fairly flexible drivers that can take a single Li-Ion all the way to 2x Li-Ions, but most people buy them to run off an 18650. The output and runtimes of the Huntlight FT-01 XR-E is actually better than the LP M1, but yeah, the LP M1 does look pretty cool. The Dereelight has a lot of features I like also like bezel down clip (the main reason I never got a LP M1) and a simpler UI (low and high), so I may pick up the Dereelight CL1H.

The P2D is definitely nice and by looking at the numbers, I'd say your assessment is pretty good. But the LP M1 has more throw, something you'd probably expect from a larger light with a considerably larger head (I think the M1's head is larger than the FT-01 and CL1H), so that would be a factor also (beam profile). Being on CPF, you'll end up with more than just both...trust me.

Thanks for that feedback. Throw . .good point! And I do see what you mean about the lack of knowledge re: the 18650's. I was about to order a pair and a charger with the light but hesitated. I was shocked after researching. seemed to good to be true. It seems like the perfect flashlight setup, but clearly too foreign for the common buyer at this point for some. They certainly don't show up on many sites! I think I will order that setup. You're right . . THAT runtime and convenience, combined with the throw will set them apart.

What's even more true is your last point about me ending up with more than 2! :grin2:
The main attraction the 2x123A/1x18650 lights from LumaPower, Huntlight, and Dereelight offer is their ability to run on 18650s which CPFers really love (not many people outside of CPF and RC hobbiest know what the hell an 18650 is...I've tried to explain Li-Ion sizes to friends and family and they just wonder off to lala land). They also have fairly flexible drivers that can take a single Li-Ion all the way to 2x Li-Ions, but most people buy them to run off an 18650. The output and runtimes of the Huntlight FT-01 XR-E is actually better than the LP M1, but yeah, the LP M1 does look pretty cool. The Dereelight has a lot of features I like also like bezel down clip (the main reason I never got a LP M1) and a simpler UI (low and high), so I may pick up the Dereelight CL1H.

The P2D is definitely nice and by looking at the numbers, I'd say your assessment is pretty good. But the LP M1 has more throw, something you'd probably expect from a larger light with a considerably larger head (I think the M1's head is larger than the FT-01 and CL1H), so that would be a factor also (beam profile). Being on CPF, you'll end up with more than just both...trust me.

jsr, you can now add another choice to the three lights above. The WE Defender II with 1x 18650/2x CR123 and WE Cree HO 3.7 - 6V lamp. This has two levels of low/high by twisting the bezel similar to the Dereelight CL1H. Or if you want a little bit more output use the same light with 2x RCR123 cells and a WE Cree HO 3.7 - 13V lamp.

btw, I also have the P2D and love it and use it when I need a small light with me.
Oh yeah, forgot about the Wolf-Eyes...that one's nice too. I'm waiting for my last part to come in to make my perfect EDC...3" long, low-high-strobe-SOS capable (can be low-high only also, which is nice), buck and boost regulated, SSC P4, and momentary forward clicky. Ah, just need that last part (and hopes that I soldered the driver correctly).
Looking at the Huntlight and the Lumapower M1 hunter, it almost looks like there's some connection. Were they designed by the same guys or something ?

I think it comes down to what size flashlight you want these days. The generic 5" models or the new hi performance 3" models.
As you would expect . . . I ordered the Fenix yesterday! And my M1 hasn't even arrived yet. I'll order the 18650 w/ charger today.
Looking at the Huntlight and the Lumapower M1 hunter, it almost looks like there's some connection. Were they designed by the same guys or something ?

I believe the designer of the Huntlight FT-01 left Huntlight and designed the Lumapower M1.
Always have a spare cell, no sense in going without....not even for a moment

I will . . .definitely. But a question there . . .I do see a lot of refences to not letting 123A's and 18650's knock around in a glove compartment/drawers etc. I assume that is partly so contact isn't made with metal. Are there other reasons? . . .and other than buying a specific case for several cells . .what do you recommend as a home for a handy extra cell or two?
I will . . .definitely. But a question there . . .I do see a lot of refences to not letting 123A's and 18650's knock around in a glove compartment/drawers etc. I assume that is partly so contact isn't made with metal. Are there other reasons? . . .and other than buying a specific case for several cells . .what do you recommend as a home for a handy extra cell or two?

I use small plastic bags that can be snap sealed, the 2 1/2" x 4" size, keeps them clean and insulated. Not a good idea for them to bounce around against other hard objects, old socks are quite handy...:)
I use small plastic bags that can be snap sealed, the 2 1/2" x 4" size, keeps them clean and insulated. Not a good idea for them to bounce around against other hard objects, old socks are quite handy...:)

Great. That's relief . . easier than I thought. I can do that.
yes, looking cool is allowed. I like to find a blend of performance and prettyness in my lights:naughty:
I believe the designer of the Huntlight FT-01 left Huntlight and designed the Lumapower M1.

Ah... Thanks, good to see the instincts are still working ;)
yes, looking cool is allowed. I like to find a blend of performance and prettyness in my lights:naughty:

I did recieve my M1 yesterday. First of all, I'll say that Matt at Batteryjunction offers SUPER service. Living in Canada I'm not accustomed to good customer service . . but have come to expect it from US vendors . . but he really went above and beyond the call of duty. They went the extra mile to help in getting me my package in 4 working days without any customs duty or tax.

I love the light. My newbie impression is as follows:
I'm just blown away by the absolute amount of energy/light that can blast from a tiny diode. It's a basic observation, but the equation does not seem to add up. Two 3V tiny cells convert to a retina burning 100yard explosion. Seems to defy science, somehow. Anyway, what is equally impressive is the whiteness of these new LED's and the lack of tint/change to colors of objects illuminated by them. And the beam is a shockingly perfect burning white ball of light surrounded by another flood with not a single variance in texture or intesity. Another world beyond classic flashlights. These points apply to most of the new lights, and don't constitute a specific review of the M1, but just wanted to point out how impressed I am.
I love my M1 also. Good looking light with great throw and white beam. Did you get both reflectors (smooth and OP)? I use my OP most of the time. You lose a little throw but the beam is smooth and clean..
I love my M1 also. Good looking light with great throw and white beam. Did you get both reflectors (smooth and OP)? I use my OP most of the time. You lose a little throw but the beam is smooth and clean..

I did get both. It came with the OP pre-installed . . and based on the reviews, that's the one I wanted anyway. I don't need max throw and I'm so stunned by the clean beam I would never change!
I have the Lumapower M1 to, it's a great light with a bright beam!!.

My Fenix L2D is nothing in compare with the Lumapower M1.
I'm thinking to sell the Fenix.
. . .and other than buying a specific case for several cells . .what do you recommend as a home for a handy extra cell or two?

A waterproof match case (plastic) will usually hold 1-2 cells. Wrap them in a paper towel if the rattle bothers you. Pharmacies here carry a small key chain pill holder designed for Nitroglycerin bottles that might hold 1 CR123a.

If you do break down and buy a specific case, I was going to recommend CountyComm's small holder: http://www.countycomm.com/CBH.htm. Unfortunately, they don't do international sales. Lighthound also has a nice selection.