I want to make my 4D Mag-lite high powered!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 15, 2008
I'v searched this forum for 4D mag and not had any luck. Can any of you lead me to a guide or make recommendations to me as to what to do and where to get parts to trick out my 4D Mag-Lite? Thanks.
Sorry. I will check over there.
So what is this forum for? What is B/S/T?

Edit - Ahhhh... I bet it Buy/Sell/Trade...
I have moved your thread to the correct forum for you. Your other thread has been deleted, as it is against the rules to post the same thing in 2 different places - that is called cross-posting.

If you find you have posted in the wrong place like this, just ask a moderator to move it for you, rather than start a second cross-posted thread.
Sorry. I will check over there.
So what is this forum for? What is B/S/T?

Edit - Ahhhh... I bet it Buy/Sell/Trade...
Yes, and I recommend you stay away from there if you value your money :broke:

Just too hard to resist some of the goodies there :ohgeez:
I am assuming that you do do know about some of the search tools on CPF. Type in Mag-Lite mods, into the Google Search, CPF only bar, at the top of every CPF page. You will get some results. There are hundreds of threads re modding Mag-Lite's.

I just ordered a terralux tle300 for my 4d maglite. it should be here tomorrow.I'll let you know how I like it. You can do a search for it. Most people seem to like it.
You can fit 6 subC's in a Mag 4D and make it a ROP, and you'd get a choice of a high or low lamp.

The one website that documented it doesn't seem to be working anymore though. Let me see if I can find a thread on it.

Here is a Link for you, about half way through the post it documents the 4D rop.
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It stands for "Roar of the Pelican" and means switching the bulb of the Pelican Big D to your Mag-lite
for greater output after all other necessary modifications are made.
The ROP bulb comes in two versions, low and high output and can be purchased at Lighthound if you need it.