Ideas to remove a stuck McClicky switch?


Apr 27, 2016
I have a light that flickers intermittently and the McClicky switch looks like the most likely culprit. I can't get the thing unscrewed, though. It's in there so tight that I bent the tweezers I was using trying to get it loose. Does anyone have a trick to get switches unstuck from the body? I've replaced McClickies before and never had anything jammed in there like this.

Thanks in advance.
Aluminum custom light, screwed directly into the body (no separate SureFire-style tailcap). I didn't want to bother sending it back for what I assumed would be an easy replacement.

Update: Sticking it in the freezer worked.
Aluminum custom light, screwed directly into the body (no separate SureFire-style tailcap). I didn't want to bother sending it back for what I assumed would be an easy replacement.

Update: Sticking it in the freezer worked.

Nice! Glad it came out without issue.

Problem already solved but needle nose pliers will help. If the mcClicky is screwed in from back end any will do, if it is screwed in from the bezel end of the body you´d need rather long ones.
Aluminum custom light, screwed directly into the body (no separate SureFire-style tailcap).

Problem already solved but needle nose pliers will help. If the mcClicky is screwed in from back end any will do, if it is screwed in from the bezel end of the body you´d need rather long ones.

If there is no separate ring and McClicky is screwed directly on flashlight body or tail cap, then it must be installed from back side. No possiblity to install from front side.